Our education today was at the Pheromone Gallery. "A pheromone is defined as 'a chemical signal from one animal to another that may produce a ... dramatic reaction. Many of Marley's amazing assemblages of insects do precisely that." We saw "artwork incorporating exquisite natural artefacts" like we have never seen before. Christopher Marley considers himself more of a designer and storyteller than an artist, but regardless of what he calls himself he is incredible at what he does. (
Eden: I wish those colours and designs could be put into clothes. It would be awesome to wear "bugs" like that - as long as they're dead! I was amazed to see how creative God is, when I'm used to black beetles and gray rocks. And I've never seen such beautiful butterflies but my favourite creature was the giraffe weevil.
Eli: I really liked seeing all the huge bugs that weren't in a collage but were just bugs. I was amazed at the variety of "art" that Christopher had, from fossilized dinosaurs, seashells, mineral rocks, and snake skeletons, to intsy insects. The rocks were my favourite. The colours and shapes were crazy. Oh and the "walking stick" insects were sick (that's like awesome sick).
Naomi: It was cool to see so much variety of colours in the same species. I definitely had no idea that there were that many beetles on earth. Some were quite gross, but others were absolutely beautiful. My favourite was a furry moth that you could have made a fur coat from.
Tim: I was amazed by such human creativity.
Roz: Had I known the extent of God's phenomenal creation I might have paid more attention in entomology. Christopher Marley is truly inspiring. It was an incredible exhibit of workmanship, creation, and transformation.
- comments
Suzie-Q are they all real ones? so, he's killing all of them... maybe some may be endanger species... look beautiful and worked with meticulous and incredible skill.. but still....
Grama-Belle Amazing!! What a boon to your Outdoor school for this year! Remember what i told you?? You will learn things this year you would never learn in a classroom? or would you?