Yesterday we had a most vivid and memorable history lesson. We went to the theatre with Uncle Ed, Aunt Marsha, and Cousin Amy, to watch The Help. Wow, what a moving story. As we are going to be spending some time later in the Southern States, it was an invaluable lesson for us. We have such very little understanding of the immeasurable struggles, prejudice, and lack of freedom the south tolerated and yet it has generated the present environment in which we live. Even what we know in our heads does not reach our hearts until we become involved emotionally - in this case through the movie characters - but ultimately we hope in real life.
Movie Commentary:
Eden: "I personally can't imagine not being able to speak my mind! I'm more excited to go south now - but at the same time a little more cautious. I definitely recommend the movie. (P.S. Stewart's a jerk!)"
Eli: "Even after slavery ended there was still slavery. It was stuck in people's minds."
Naomi: "Courage is not necessarily being brave in war or doing something heroic, it is doing what you know is right, despite what everyone else is saying or doing, even if it means bringing harm to yourself for the good of others."
Two Thumbs up! Check out The Help.
- comments
Jen & Pete K - UK Sounds a good film, thanks for the reviews., looks like a Must See!
Laurie Bartlett Hi Roz and family, That movie is on my list of must sees; I sure did enjoy reading the book! Just returning from Prince Rupert (sorry I missed you there) and have now got caught up on the Smith Adventures. Safe travels. Laurie
Carla Cowger I just finished reading The Help the other day. Excellent novel! I would love to see the movie, but despite it being #1 at the box office, it still has not come to Fort St. John. Conan the Barbarian and Planet of the Apes seem to be the movies of choice for the locals! <3
Carol Lyons I've been waiting for this movie since June!! Can't wait to go watch it.