An old fashioned blackberry is one that grows wild along the roads, in the ditches, over walls, and through fences. It has many apps such as jam or jelly, cobbler, pie, and syrup. People benefit from its usage throughout the day at any given time, although, unlike the contemporary blackberries, old fashioned, original, blackberries are best not worn attached to one's belt...
We picked 5 ½ gallons of fresh, delicious, wild blackberries and spent the day at Grandma's making 10 ½ pints of jelly, a fabulous cobbler, and freezing bags and bags for later smoothies. Blackberry picking is a rather rough sport and not for the frail and defenceless. We all agreed that if we were bears we would eat Saskatoons, even if they do taste disgusting!
A curious conversation:
Getting ready to eat our fabulous calorie free cobbler, Eli was apparently too full for more than just a bite off his father's plate. While wiping the delicious drool from his lips, his father inquired as to the whereabouts of his napkin... to which his loving sister replied, "he doesn't need a napkin, he's got sleeves." At which point Grandma interjected, "Ohhhhh Nooooo, he doesn't have fleas!" We love you Grandma, that was the best part of the day!
- comments
Karlene Esau Hahahahaha!!! Lol!!!
Joy Hi Roz - just looked in your mailbox - there's a cheque here - what shall I do with it?? Spend it perhaps?? Lemmmmeee know!! Joy
AMy Haha! With much thanks to his flea collar.