Smithsonian Saga goes Cyber
The picnic was wonderful. We reconnected with Tim's cousins, having seen them last 13 years ago. Diane, Mike and Sue, and Craig are related to the Giesbrechts as well as mom - don't ask me how... but it makes us related somehow. Diane is a wonderful woman to whom all the Smiths are indebted for all that she does for mom. Thank you Diane, you are amazing! (I'm sure mom would agree).
Quote of the day:
"I wish Dad would quit teasing me, he's got it better than most parents!"
- comments
Vicki Wilson Well, the young adult that said that is very right. God has truly blessed and you both with wonderful kids. Thanks for sharing with us.
Flo K Hey Smithsonians ~ thinking of you all this eve as we enjoyed am amazing salmon dinner - the real mcCoy caught in the Canadian northwest waters by you!! Thanks for keeping us on your radar. It's fun traveling vicariously with you! Hugs to Annabel. And to one one being teased (only one?), dish it back shaken down and running over!
john and kay ernie and elfreda were over last night and ernie told us that you had a site. hope you do not mind us joining in on your adventure, say hello to your mom and jim for us and enjoy the watermellon there with jim john and kay