It has been brought to my attention, both by my conscience and my friends that I need to bring closure to our Blog. We have not dropped off the face of the earth we are simply adjusting to being home again. Individually and collectively it has been an overwhelming and unexpected challenge! In fact returning home may very well be the most difficult stage of our entire journey.
First however, I must thank you all immensely for joining us on our expedition. I have enjoyed travelling with you and have so appreciated your "being with us" in spirit, word, and prayer. Thank you for staying in touch and remaining connected with us all along the way.
In conclusion then... Having experienced so much in one year, coexisting in such close proximity for so long, and establishing such a concurrent lifestyle, we now find our "normal" is no longer normal. We are challenged by unforeseen and unpredictable emotions and events over things we once thought ordinary and habitual. Now we are forced to re-evaluate what our normal will be and perhaps re-establish a new norm based on a year's worth of change and variation. We do not simply want to settle back in to the familiar and customary - we want to incorporate our learning and preserve the new-normal that we have become.
Having just said that, after only two weeks at home, my not-so-normal boys decided to go back to Saskatchewan to help Tim's nephew through harvest. My farmers were stoked to drive combines and huge trucks through dust and dirt into the wee hours of the mornings... and I began to wonder if they would ever come home. This palpable separation proved to be another unexpected challenge for me as I have become all too accustomed to our close proximity and companionship.
Consequently, the girls and I took advantage of our boys' absence and totally took over the unpacking, repacking and organizing of the entire house. If it's not where it should be it's either back in storage or gone for good! Living simply is an aspect of our new-normal which we would like to retain. It is also a lifestyle change that will be difficult to protect in a society that is ridiculously superfluous.
So what is next?
Eli has skipped Grade 9 (as it is not part of the BC Graduation Program) and will be completing Grade 10 through on-line education. This gives him time to work, farm, fiddle on projects with his Dad and Grandfather, and be more in charge of his learning time. He is looking forward to doing things "differently" this year.
Eden is taking Grade 10 and 11 courses at the local high school and on line. She is looking forward to work experience at the hospital again this year as she is gearing toward a degree in Midwifery. She is continuing with dance and learning to drive!
Naomi is taking Grade 11 and 12 courses solely at the high school and she is working diligently toward her goal to become a doctor. Most of her classes are in the sciences and much of her time is spent studying or sleeping! She is now however a legal Canadian driver and can relieve me of my taxi duties. It is with great pride that Tim and I have renamed her Fetch and celebrate with her that she can now fetch us things like her siblings, groceries, and coffee.
All five of us are unquestionably grateful for the opportunity we had to do what we did. The big picture of the Smithsonian Saga continues to evolve as our journey together certainly isn't over. The results of the time we spent together continue to surface as we process and adjust - often differently yet genuinely deeper. We are amazed that the year has gone so quickly and would jump in the truck in a heartbeat to do it all again.
Thank you again for journeying vicariously with us. Although I will be closing this blog (in order for the offexploring website to print it as a keepsake for us) we really hope to stay connected. We will continue the annual Smithsonian Saga Christmas Newsletter, but would love to stay in touch more often through email or Facebook. Please keep us posted of your changing addresses and let us know of any adventures you may embark on in which we may then travel vicariously with you. Who knows... often in the winds of change - we find our true direction!
- comments
Gramma Smith Loved hearing again from you my special family! I was thrilled to see one more Blog. And will be excited each time I get to hear from you, however it may happen.. Phone, FB or another Blog!!
Charne Great 'closing' I'm so thankful we were in the way of your travels and got to meet and learn to love you all. I'll be keeping in touch for know where to find us ;-)
Bruce & Donna Thiessen Well done Roz! We look forward to the launch of your book :o)
Amy What an adjustment to being home! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year and look forward to seeing you all again. Love you all.
Lynne and Bert I love you and I loved your blog! Happy you're home! As Bruce and Donna said... I also can't wait for your book.
Annette & Robert Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Loved reading about the places, the people, your struggles and joys - and all so beautifully written! God's Blessings on you all as you adjust to the new normal.
Marjorie Van Boven I have followed your blog every step of the way and have so enjoyed your entries! It has been like reading a very good book . . looking forward to each chapter! Thanks for sharing and God's blessings on you all!