Great night of sleep last night (thankfully) now I am 100% - got used to sound of frogs, bats, birds, monkeys etc.. then early cockerels and dogs. We grabbed a light breakfast of toast and tea - then we decided to make up for lost time and took a Honda Scooter out to explore the Island on our last full day. For only 80k (£6.00) our host Berend (owner of the Apartment) sorted us a scooter, helmets, full tank and ..erm.. insurance! We set off 10:30 all kitted up and usual blue skies and 75 in the shade. We had a great ride - roads were ok and relatively quiet - more Water Buffalo than buses! (see the photos!!) the weather kept it up and we visited a Museum and local dance exhibition which was actually fun (particularly the bit dancing around the 'slaughter pole'). We continued on seeing the island, local houses, rice paddies, animals and villages (and villagers)- we covered around 40km until we reached the island isthmus (Pangururan) which was a busy little village. It took us 2.5hrs then we returned and captured more photos along the way. There was a little rain, which was welcome, to cool us down. The children shouted 'hello' and waved as we honked passing them walking from school. Lovely day - albeit a little saddle-sore! Quiet dinner of vegetables and Rendang curry with fries and water.... great - tomorrow off via Ferry then car to Medan. Speak soon! Enjoy! ps. see photo of us and our unsuitable helmets in lieu of my 'Sherpa' photo!
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