(See also our other blog today) Tuesday we went to the relaxing 4 star Hotel Sinabung in Berastagi for a day pass at their pool, it only cost Rp 15,000 or £1.10 each to have the place to ourselves. In the evening we went for a meal in Berastagi to a place recommended by Lonely Planet, all of the other places recommended by them had gone to the wall. Raymond's cafe was supposed to be a laid-back bohemian joint, which it was. On the next table was a guy from Garston, Liverpool, what is it about Scousers out here? He was an interesting character, very clued in and philosophical about current affairs in Britian although he said he would never return. He has travelled around using tourist visas for years, because of this, the last time he went back home the authorities refused to house and support him. He gave us some tips about how to get around and about Lake Toba our next stop. Things in Talitha kind of went from bad to worse really. They had electricity sockets unlike the modern ones in Medan and we couldn't use any of our stuff. The shower was gas fired and pumped out boiling water for five seconds then stopped then started again thirty seconds later. The next problem was that the water went off altogether, not great timing as Paul had now started being sick. Luckily they had a mandi in the bathroom (a large tub of fresh water and a scoop). We have since worked out that Paul's illness was probably down to the egg he had for breakfast - we had eaten virtually the same food otherwise. Paul was up all night throwing up and we had the trip to Lake Toba the next morning. The trip was a four hour taxi ride, which included a stop at a Karo village, with traditional longhouses; a stop at Sipiso-piso waterfall and panoramic views of lake Toba. It was not going to be much fun for Paul. We set off at nine and reached the Karo village about an hour of bumpy, swervy roads later. Paul was feeling pretty grim by now. We asked the driver to take us to some toilets, he said the next ones were at Sipiso-piso waterfall. We stopped on the way for Paul to throw up, he leant against an empty stall at the roadside, which we realised would be used by some poor unsuspecting fruit seller perhaps later that day. Next the waterfall, Paul was able to rest for a while here - he must have been ill as he could hardly bring himself to take photos! Paul thankfully slept for the rest of the way to Parapat the ferry port for Samosir island. Lake Toba (Danau Toba), at 1000m above sea level, is the largest lake in South east asia 1707 sq km. Toba was formed by a volcanic eruption 80,000 years ago, a second eruption over 30,000 years ago formed Samosir Island (it is not exacly an island as it is joined by an isthmus to the mainland). We had booked accommodation at Horas (means welcome) Family Home, owned by a very brusque but very helpful Dutch guy. A 30 minutes ferry ride across the stunning lake brought us to our harbour and the town of Tuk Tuk. Paul was now feeling a bit better after having a couple of milkshakes. We were met by the staff at the quay who took our luggage. The Horas Indah Apartments (Indah meaning beautiful when relating to a view) are a welcome change from Talitha. Kitchen, tea and coffee making facilities, working shower. There are also lots of other thoughtful additions - a torch, umbrellas,universal adapters. After another night of terrible illness Paul fainted in the bathroom giving himself a bump on the head and a slight blackeye. I panicked, trying to put him in the recovery position when he came to. He had also broken out in a bizarre rash. I went into town to seek out a pharmacy, a local guy gave me a lift on his motorbike to what I thought would be a pharmacy, but was actually a medical centre. The doctor (and I use that term loosely) asked me for his symptoms then wrote out and ordered a huge list of medicines. While we waited for the medicine she asked me if I could give her some kind of souvenir from England. I said I had nothing to give her - which is perfectly true! The medicine arrived and once I had reduced the pile of tablets, medicine and sachets to a few sachets and one bottle of medicine I was then hit with the bill Rp350,000 - £25. I declined her kind offer and said goodbye! For the benefit of the concerned readers - he's O.K now after plenty of water, my homemade concoction of water, salt and sugar and a milkshake and fries this evening. Phew, I was so worried!!!
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