Wednesday 11th July
"They're out" we heard this morning with great relief and joy This event in Thailand for the last two weeks or so has dominated all our thoughts. Every morning the TV or computer had to go on to see what had happened that day. Tears were shed when the boys their coach and their rescuers were finally all out of the horrible place. Such a great result and what a fantastic movie it will make with a feel good ending. The massive downside being the death of the Thai diver who will always be remembered by his countrymen as a hero I am sure and the death of the Australian Dr Richard Harry's father almost like destiny was saying we will not give you the lives of these boys for nothing.
Today we looked around Peterborough where there was once a dog called Bob the railway dog who when he heard the whistle of the train would run and join the driver for the trip. All station masters along the trip knew him and provided him with a meal and warm bed for the night. Next day he would be off again. It has been many years since Peterborough had a train service, but the legend of Bob the railway dog lives on. 20 km from Peterborough is a town called Orroro where we are camped for the night in a nice little caravan park.
I am having trouble uploading photos and videos to separate albums so please bear with me till I work it out.
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