Ah that is so annoying I just wrote this whole entry andthen we had a powercut. grr. Anyhoo, yesterday we went to see Jack do his perfromance in Connaught place, It is a story about the US cities which he is telling in 13 countries around the world. It was amazing to watch and the locals seemed to like it too. We then wenton a hunt for an ATM that would acept my card, but then I realised i had been doing it wrong all along! here you have to take the card out the machine before entering your pin. doh. I also got moved to a different hotel yesterday, as mine was fully booked. It is a much much niocer hotel with no cocraoches or anything, and I am paying the same price! I have managedto book the hotel for the same price when i come back to delhi.
in the eveing we went to watch the sound and likght show at the red fort, and then got lost on the way home and saw some very horrible late night sites, of babies and old ladies sleeping rough onthe streets. I then got the metro home
Today it has rained so we sat in a cafe for a while, but now it has brightended up we are going to see Ghandi's monument. Tonight Rowden and I are getting the sleeper train to Varnasi.
Willupdate more when i can!
Sorry again about crap typing the keys on the keyboard arent in the same place as back hiome which makes writing difficult!
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