Hello all - its Rach (just in case you can't tell yet - my blogs are the really moany ones)
Still on Koh Samui - despite the fact that at first we found it really over crowded and full of English Pubs, Full English Breakfasts, Fat Blokes with tatoos and big bellies, being accompanied by much younger thai women!...we actually quite like it now! We have found some lovely quiet spots on the beach, and explored the island a bit on the bike (which I dont enjoy so much.. it scares me having a toyota hi lux level with my unhelmeted head doing 40mph!!) Also we are staying in THE FABBEST place so far - Charlies Log Cabin is awesome and we would stay there quite happily forever. The food is a biggy for me...she keeps cooking food for us willy nilly even when we havent asked! but its all so yummy we dont mind!
Main reason for me doing the blog is that Ian has come down with something which has luckily only ever lasted a few hours or possibly an afternoon...this episode has been going on now for 36hours...........FOOTBALL ANXIETY has set in with a previously unseen ferocity. Usually the manifestation of symptoms begins 24 hours before the match in question begins... an inability to sit still, constant demands to go on the internet (to check for TV listings), remote control mania (trying to find the channel) and if all else fails dragging me around all the pubs to find somewhere with a TV, which shows the football, the right game, and not too many people, and a good seat.
This time something truly unthinkable and to be honest plain careless occurred....The match was 3am here and Ian left it to chance that it would be repeated in the morning on espn/truesports...and it wasnt !!!!!!!!!!!! he spent all day flicking the channels trying to find the match but also trying to avoid hearing the result... last night our "only hope" (Ian's words) was that it would be on at some point in the evening...and we wasnt. Today we left the beach after 2 hours and in Tesco he saw an image on the front of a newspaper - he was visibly shaken...and this afternoon there was a powercut!!! everything is conspiring against him, i think we will be lucky if he pulls through!
And heres me just trying to get a blinkin suntan!!!
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