Well the countdown begins to the The Return of the Travellers....the red carpet is ready, the Paps have their cameras ready to Pap, the fans are starting to queue up for signed pictures of a sun tanned Nundy on the beach. The stage is set! Make the most of your days left guys, you'll be along time back in blighty before you make that sort of trip again...unless you've changed your plans and are just going to sell your house and continue wandering the earth...like the bloke from Kung Foo!
Will be good to see you guys again for a good old fashioned english Chicken Madras down the Jewell on Helens birthday.
PS for the next Moon sketch, try covering your face in shaving foam, like MOON from the Mighty Boosh!
Luv Hamilttoti
Jayne & Chris
HI guys .. can't believe you're still on Koh Samui with only, what, 10 days to go ... where has the time gone !!!
Anyway make the most of it .. its still freezing here in Europe :-(
Drop us a text once you make it back to the UK .. and we can start planning your next trip to Paris .. a definite cure for the end of holiday blues !!
Big hugs J&C xoxo
Sandra Knox
Hi you two. Just been catching up on your weblog. What an hilarious blog! Loved the photos and particularly liked the new video of the full moon. Rach - you have got a lovely tan, there is a distinct 'white bit' you can see on one of the photos, and Ian, have you been working out because you look very toned or was it a trick of the lens on one of your beach photos (Ha Ha)! Counting the days now, can't wait to see you both. Take care and enjoy your last 17 days.......Lots of love Auntie S xx
Hey guys, looking foprward to seeing you both soon, I think Ians last blog may have been responding to my previous message! No seriously, you may have been travelling the world but I discovered just last week that my local Spar serves alcohol 24 hours now, so both are life changing experiences and its diffiecult to say ones any more prolific that the other.
Take care, and keep away from the 'sausage smugglers', they arent exactly the Lincolnshire sausages you have seen before.
Steve X
Liz & Jim
Just caught up with your latest batch of videos & blogs. Can u bring some of that sun & warmth back home - pretty please - it not too warm here! Suppose that skin glow will raise the global warming here in Blighty we suppose. Keep up the moral lads & lasses, don't let the side down. See you soon. Liz & Jim. xxx
Mand Dad And Gang
Hi Rach & Ian
Fab blog Rach !! could even feel the tension here...... Charlies looks fab, so like the Log house in Wales, but with sunshine !! Really looking forward to seeing you pair soon. All very exciting here at Brookwood, the plans for the Pod have been submitted !! causing quite a stir Dad has been in the Sentinel and Brimimhgam Evening Post. Will has just gone of to Leicester with Claire and Steve for a few days, Charl doing lots of riding may be having another horse on loan soon...... you will really like him, he is very quiet and safe. Off to Amserdam for a couple of days, while Will is on his cruise to Eqypt !! lucky devil. Minnie and Toby got groomed yesterday ! toby looks so fluffy and white and seems to have a real spring in his step. Mike is getting stronger by the day, he has got to be walking 2 miles a day by the time you get homeLove and Hugs to you both enjoy your final weeks of relaxation.
Love from us All xxxxx
Little Cuz And Jon
hey guys hope your both well. that last blog was hilarious and i can believe its true...sorry cuz. everything ok here, jon started his new role as supervisor this week. its blummin freezing here. it snowed at the weekend. thank youfor the occasional texts. its stopped me from missing you too much. anyway love and miss you both loads. see you soon..... xxxxxxxxxxx
Jayne And Christophe
Hi guys .. well can you believe it .. the sun came out and stayed out as soon as we left !!!!
Back safely in Paris ... back in the office yesterday .. twas a horrible experience ...:-)
hope all is well at Charlys and the sunsets are as good as ever ! Also hope the humungous spider turned up .. somewhere else ...
Have a great rest of your time and Samui .. and keep in touch .. chris will send through the photos this week
Sandra Knox
Hi Ian and Rach - hope you are both OK and making the most of your last few weeks before coming back to the real world and........work! But then of course there will be Wilson Jnr's arrival to look forward to. Saw Rach last night and she is blooming! Just been catching up on your blogs and photos at work as having probs at home with internet connection. Take care of yourselves. Love and miss ya Auntie S xx
Jamie Thomas
Hi guys,
Looks like you've done a lot on your travels!! Probably a long way from your thoughts but if your back in the country by the end of May I'm having a 30th birthday party which includes a days wakeboarding and sunning in Bedford followed by a bbq and general drunken covorting!Its on the 24th of May if you are around it'd be great to see you both there. Jamie
Dad Evans
Gud on yer Rach at last some female blog.
Are you and ian up for the scottish mountains in may bank holida?
Dry and bright here, we have appiled for the pod the submission is up and running but the outcome is not clear will advise you both prior to yoir return.
all at brookwood xxxxx
Steve & Clairey
Hi guys!
It sounds like your having an awesome time over there! Just think... only 7 weeks left and then back to work with the rest of us!!
Ive been busy marathon training, thank you for your donation! You can give me the rest when you get back!! Ive been running 18 mile runs, so been tough going but im actually enjoying it! Its strange being one of the joggers you see as you drive along thinking why do they put themsleves through that, Im looking good in lycra shorts too, it stops my bum from the chaff but Claire says I just dont fill it like Linford!!
We have our engegement party tomorrow night which will be fun!