This is my last entry from Australia. Tomorrow Pippa and I are driving to Sydney for a few days together before I jump my Emirates flight to Dubai @ 2110 hrs. It occurred to me today that this is the last night I shall spend in Canberra for some time. A little tug at the heart strings. Though I have grown a bit tired of Canberra itself, I realise I shall miss many people.
I spent the last few years working in the Emergency Dept of Calvary hospital with the greatest group of nurses, doctors, wardies and staff I could hope to work with. You people have the greatest sense of humour in the face of a difficult job. I will miss the friendly environment and hope I can find some of that in the UK when I am seeking a place to work. Thank you for the SPAM, Andrew, I know you will appreciate that, like Swine Flu, pork products are not allowed in Saudi Arabia. Also Mon, I will endeavour to one day publish some recipes so you don't starve on night duty. Rhian, I hope you find other triage staff to 'bomb' with paper balls from F1 11 plains on a quiet night. Robyn and Amy, thank you sooo much for your support and good humour, Amy I know you hated allocating the faecal drinking Pts, but someone had to do it. Steve, you deserved Nurse of the Year, you were robbed. Please keep in touch everyone.
As Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson said, "to all the girls I've loved before", I will miss the ANU women's soccer team. You ladies are stars and have given Pippa and me a fun time after work and tolerated a range of ED stories. None of you will look at a Hamster the same way again. I will always remember the Noodle house in d*** on, twisted ankles on a Canberra morning at the game, and the complete obsession Anouk had with chasing the soccer ball. All the best for the rest of the season.
To Madhu, Rachel, Katia, Dhigna, Faye and Greg you have been our closest friends in Canberra and you will be missed greatly. No trip through Fyshwick with a trailer, no dress up in kimonos to murder over dinner, no Carcassonne to the death or back yard BBQ will ever feel as entertaining.
At last to Mum and Dad thank you for everything you have given me and Pippa. I can't say more than that. I love you both so much and will miss you both deeply.
So long and thanks for all the fish
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