As you read the following, you will begin to think oh, this is more of that Bethel stuff! Read, then and be surprised…
'I say with the utmost reverence: you who have been born of the Spirit of God- you carry God in your heart!
When you really see God has made our hearts his dwelling place , what a deep reverence will come over our lives! Has it really come home to you that wherever you go you carry the Holy Spirit of God? You do not just carry your bible with you, or even much teaching about God, but God himself.
The reason why so many Christians do not experience the power of the Spirit, though he actually dwells in their hearts, is that they lack reverence . And they lack reverence because they have not had their eyes opened to the fact of His presence.
Watchman Née
Wow, a man of great insight!
We often hear about the Holy Spirit being within us or being filled by Him. But we rarely hear about Holy Spirit coming upon believers, as He did upon Jesus, who is our example and model for life. Nor do we talk about Him not only coming upon , but also remaining. John 1:32 (NIV) Then John gave this testimony: "I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.
It is by living a life not only filled with Holy Spirit but also in recognition of His Presence that we come to experience that abundant overflowing life of walking moving and having our being in Him.
'If I have a dove sitting on my shoulder, and I don't want him to do I move? I move every step with the dove in mind! Jesus lived in such a way that the dove remained'. Bill Johnson.
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