Carole posted this in Facebook recently:
Tonight after church I saw something I have never seen before.
I was praying for the sick and a young man called Matt asked for prayer
His shoulder was hurt. I saw Him raise His arms after prayer and also saw
His short arm grow out by 1/2" . He still had some pain in his shoulder
but considerably less. He was happy but then He asked if I could make
Him grow another 2 inches. I said Why? You are so tall. He was already
6ft 1" He said, I want to be 6ft 3" He was serious! So I ran off to ask the
leader of healing at church . She said Yes just pray for what He asks. So I
sat him down in a chair and put His feet on my knee and began to thank
Jesus for what He had already done and commanded the legs to grow. Oh my goodness, they did right before my eyes, first it grew 1" and we laughed. He felt it stretch and then he said I don't want to be lopsided you have to grow the other leg out so I laughed thanked God and got another young girl to tell it
grow and it did. Now He was 6ft 2" so I asked Him would 6ft 2" do? NO! He wanted 6ft3" so we went for 6ft3". I got a few young guys to pray and tell the foot to grow another inch and guess what? It did !!! and now he is 6ft3"
He was amazed and so was I! Holy Spirit was having so much fun with us. Matt felt his legs grow and stretch. I reckon He had child like faith even to ask for this miracle. How good is our God. Be encouraged to press in for the more. Luv Carole.
We received some interesting responses, some negative so, I want to explain a few things from my (Rob's) perspective :
I have never been around more hungry, on fire people given over to God than I have since being here. That does not necessarily include the students who can be both young in age and in spiritual maturity, often acting that out in daily life.
Do I hear flaky teaching from the pulpit eg let's all ask God for whatever we want and we can get it. No!
Do I agree with everything taught? No! But that is where discernment and maturity kicks in. Yet at the same time I have to be prepared to be open and willing to receive new truth; even truth that may counter my own preconceived perceptions. eg. Would God grow someone's legs out just because they want to be taller? In my mind, I would say No! Why? Because that is a selfish immature request and God is not a puppet on a string; ready to do our bidding and anyway what would that have to do with the Kingdom?
BUT what do I do when God shows up and does it? Does it set a new precedent, does it allow me to now operate with self absorbed requests of God? That would be immature and miss the heart of the gospel. However we cannot escape the fact that God in His sovereign grace said 'yes' I will do this. Why? I don't know, it blows me away and almost offends my theology; until I remember the extravagance of the father's response to the prodigal son's return (no lecture, just a ring, new shoes and coat and a celebration); I also remember the labourers who worked only one hour to gain the same wages as those who worked a whole day: I remember the thief on the cross who entered Paradise without even confessing his sins; I remember Paul, who murdered God's own, yet regained his sight; or Jonah who petulantly 'tried it on' with the Lord yet, God loved on him; or Peter who said 'everyone else may deny you but I never will' and still Jesus proclaims him the rock, the one who will head the church, the one who will feed His sheep; or Judas, the thief and betrayer whom Jesus honoured by being the money keeper and given the privilege of being served at the last supper by Jesus himself. Need I go on?
We serve a God of enormous grace and tolerance toward us. He is a loving Father whose desire is for relationship above all else. I can't afford to be offended with God (as were the 72 disciples who turned away), rather I must conclude 'you are God', I may not understand all Your ways but I will love you with all my heart, I will submit to Your ways and I will follow and serve You all my days.
As for those who walk in immaturity, they are God's problem, not mine. If they or others were to ask again for prayer for legs to be grown out, I would pray for them. Let's enjoy being childlike and even a little childish providing no harm is done; the answer to the prayer is up to God! I rejoice in His love and goodness, regardless of the answer.
It's funny how we can present to the unsaved a God of love, joy peace, 'life in all its fullness' gospel yet, once we get them in church life, it can, all too often becomes about rules, regulations and law. We can unwittingly teach them to lose the joy of the Lord by tying weights around their necks. Well that was ME doing that!
I am learning that its okay to have joy, to have fun, it's okay to be childlike, even childish! God won't zap me but in His love and His timing, will gently correct me yet in the midst, still pour out His love and Father heart toward me
That's the God that the world wants and needs.
The God I'm referring to is the one who has shown His love and continues to show His Father's heart as displayed both in the giving of His only Son and as represented by Jesus in the story of the prodigal son. I am NOT referring to a give me-give me God where we are at the centre of the universe, not Him.
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