Building an Altar to The Lord:
The people of God that we read about in the Scriptures commemorated the significant events of their lives in a particular way.1 Scripture records they did so by building an altar.
• Noah built an altar when he walked onto dry land following the flood.
• Abraham built an altar when he arrived in the land God had sent him to. Then he built the ultimate altar to sacrifice his son Isaac on.
• Isaac, too, was an altar-builder and so the list goes on.
Points to consider:
1. Worship took place at the altar. In fact, the building of an altar itself,
was an act of worship.
2. Once the altar was built, there was always a sacrifice made.
3. Following the sacrifice, a new beginning was the normal
experience. The altar builder could look forward to a fresh start - to a new chance at life - to a future filled with hope.
From a New Testament viewpoint on altars:
Altar-building is fundamentally an act of worship.
The only true and acceptable sacrifice to God happens on the altar of our hearts.
The altar is the place of guidance for life’s journeys. As often as necessary, revisit it; and remember!
Obedience comes from a place of Humility. Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death. The sacrifice made at the altar necessitates both sacrifice as well as an act of humility.
Building My Altar:
Having stated the above, I NOW build an altar in my own life.
it begins with my Freedom Declaration;? if for no other reason but to break the power of this demonic stronghold over my life.
My stroke in 2009 redefined who I was in so many areas; all negative redefinitions. As a result since then I have been viewing my life as being defined by that event.
My 'God moment' today was that He wants me to lay down that lie and instead believe that my life is NOW defined by the period when Rob realised not only his sonship but also his authority to re-present Jesus in all His fullness to a hurting world.
This is a significant shift for me and begins with an act of worship.
I begin building my altar by worshipping Him; all He is, all He has done and all He is going to do in and through me.
The sacrifice is the laying down, as an offering, that event which altered so dramatically the function of my life. And which has, up until now redefined my life.
The sacrifice is to never again consider that event as being a defining moment, but instead to reckon my life from a new marker point. It is the point where I begin to operate from a new paradigm; one in which I function as a son of the living God, as an heir, as a co-laborer in His kingdom. My life is redefined by what He is going to do in and through me, His beloved son.
I will no longer celebrate the day of my stroke. As a prophetic act, it is no longer to be remembered or celebrated as its significance is no longer worthy of recognition.
The act of Obedience links with an act of Humility. For me, as I publish this for the world to see, I become transparent and vulnerable as I reveal the deepest chasms of my heart and hold myself accountable to those who read this declaration.
When I reach 80 years of age, Lord willing, I desire to look back and recognise this altar as being THE most significant period in my life and the point at which my life took a dramatic turn; to be a Milestone Marker of Transformation.
- comments
Pete Glass What a significant statement of who you are and where you're heading Rob! God is recalibrating you and the things that have importance in your life and understanding. I hope and pray that this realisation takes you to new places with Christ leading that previously seemed unobtainable or even unimaginable. Bless you for your willingness to share these insights in the midst of your vulnerability on your journey into deeper relationship with Jesus.