Seth Dahl is the leader of children's ministry at Bethel they have a fresh Kingdom approach to children's ministry He spoke at length and broke many religious taboos
All he learned in church as a kid was religion.
His philosophy now is:
Dont teach religion eg. bible memory verses
Teach them how to minister with truth from the bible and out of relationship
They should be Firestarters; we just give them a match.
Teach them to worship.
Teach them to know and operate from the Holy Spirit!
As an example he spoke of a little girl who saw an angel in the classroom Seth asked her where the angel was?
Children can see often clearer than us adults (be as little children!). The child then tells him where the angel is in the room. He asks her
Why is the angel here , can you go find out? She returned to say that he was here for healing!!!!
Seth then tells all the sick kids to stand by the angel so as to get better
No praying happened just a step of faith.
Instant healing for all the sick!! All the children in class that day who were sick got healed!
Often they get the children to pray for adults who are sick. On many occasions they get healed.
We don't know how to heal.
God does!!
We need to become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven
Children love fun eg. Seth's 1yr old girl wouldn't let him dress her she wanted to play tug of war with daddy!
We should be like them; play tug of war for fun!! With the clothes father God wants to put on us: gifts. Have Fun with God. We are far too serious in our journey with God
Kids laugh400 times a day.!
We as adults only laugh 12times a day.! Where has our joy and first love gone?
Kids in the class yell in excitement when a miracle happens . We too need to get thankful and excited!
He teaches that we should seek to make earth a perfect health zone!! The kingdom of God is here in us!
So they teach the kids Who is in them!
Most ministry is intervention in nature eg healing sick.they are teaching and training kids on prevention
Christ is in me I don't have to get sick. Believe that everyone around me is going to get healed!! How good is this they teach them what Jesus says and trains them to do it.
It will make it easy for them to move in Gods goodness and power. Carole remembered how her mum and dad taught her that God give her acne to make her humble! Now that's not a good God! Of course she forgave them but that's what twisted theology can lead you to believe. Jesus took our sickness and diseases and nailed them to the cross!
What do rhey teach kids? That they should be able to have a
Kids Room being a perfect health zone!
Tell kids to go to perfect health zone!! to get better. They do!
Allergies gets healed. !! Fruit is so healthy and good!
Kids have seen legs grow out.
In kids church, Jesus heals them!!! Eye glasses!! 3 kids healed no more glasses needed!!
How good is this. There is no babysitting in kids church! Anything you can do they can do better!!! Why? Because of their simple child-like faith.
Raise a bunch a kids to forgive people and they will.
Teach them to never believe the lies of the devil. Truth grows strong in them by word and by experience.
What the release of the Kingdom into this world can look like hangs on our childrens ministry!
Half of the planet are children under 15
The most connected people in the earth are children. They can spread the Kingdom fastest! If you want something to happen tell the kids. That's why McDonalds and others target the kids
Jesus got upset when disciples tried to stop kids!
When kids get with Jesus things happen! cause they have the same Holy Spirit that we have. They train By way of 'out of the box' thinking it must be supernatural !
3& 4 year olds do worship. They wiggle and dance in worship!
Another example of God showing up was when one time was the kids were praying b4 class and a little girl sees pink in the Spirit. Pink is often the colour given in the Spirit for healing. 3 kids then came in wearing pink. Divine coincidence? So they called in all parents and kids for healing prayer.
Amazing miracles happenied!!!
Over 30 healings took place. It's sounds too good to be true!
But this is the good news! 'It is too good; but it is true!
They see, they hear, they feel, they sense Him.
We all have these senses we too can learn how.
Teach them we are here to take over the world for Jesus! The kingdom of God is in them. This is a world of love joy and peace. If our wee-ones get it the world will change!
Kids are learning to see in the Spirit. For example
9yr old girl in his class had
so many encounters with God that she had to get baptized.
She had a dream that God showed her that other children in the class had also. God gave her the interpretation. She asked the class and 6 kids stood up saying that they had had that same dream. Then she told them the nterpretation that Jesus told her.
So then is this too far fetched and hard to believe?
The testimonies and fruit from this ministry is far too awesome and powerful to just discard as being fanatical or 'over the top'.
For me, I would hope to aspire to this life style not only for my children, but also for me and other adults that I journey with.
There used to be a show on TV called ' Riplsy's Believe it, or not!'
So I present the information in this blog and run the same challenge past you. ' Reader, Believe it, or not!'
So there it is! Another day in our 'Pursuit of God' journey. Thanks for reading.
God bless
Rob and Carole
PS. Rob is going to kid's church this coming Sunday. They have offered to pray for him!!
- comments
Bree Oh yey!! To be healed by those with the most faith! How wonderfull! Come on!! Bring little christians!! Love this stuff, so have to send tristen to the school!!