So I need to address this for posterity sake, although not totally sure where to begin. This is a year that no one is going to forget. We've watched in awe as what seemed to be an "other" problem, one unlikely to impact us to wham! It is here with a vengeance. It seemed Canada reacted much more quickly than here in Australia with school closures, stores closing, borders closing and the insanity just seems to continue. It was such a shock to see schools back home to be closed for 2 weeks following the March break and now to hear it'll be longer.
Self isolation/quarantine/ social distancing have become the phrases for 2020.
Now despite the actions of others around the world closing down services including schools, Australia has lagged behind. So as of yesterday I am no longer working in attempt to preserve my own health. Being in that higher risk category definitely makes me nervous, so in that light we have also taken Lucas out of school.
The next piece is the exchange- with so many closures, cancelations, and things changing by the hour, we needed to make a decision to stay or go. Learning that air Canada was to stop flights as of March 30 for the month, added some pressure, but we have chosen to stay and ride this wave for awhile longer! No one knows what these next few months will hold- please stay home, stay safe and stay healthy!!
- comments
Melanie Taylor-Ridgway It's crazy! I agree with your decision to stay home and take Lucas out of school. The USA has not taken this seriously and now they are going to be the next epicenter I fear. Health is the most important thing we have. Be safe, be well.