Well if the picture is anything to go by, yes this has gotten interesting or rather not at all. Today is definitely a bit more of a down day as it was the day we were meant to fly to Darwin. Don't get me wrong, I regularly remind myself that we are really the lucky ones- still have at least 1 paycheque coming in, still healthy, food on the table- yes we are lucky. But there are certainly times where this all just seems to be a bit much. We're here to teach, but perhaps even more so to see this beautiful country and we aren't meant to leave our postcode. In some ways it's easier to self isolate as we don't have a lot of people we would even go see, and there are some very picturesque places to see- so this is what I try to focus on, Although I haven't been to a grocery store in 2, maybe 3; weeks, we try and get out daily to see the beaches, see pics**
We celebrated Robs birthday, celebrating Easter this weekend, attempting, like everyone, to stay busy, while we hope for the future.
- comments
Melanie It is certainly challenging times! We miss you. Saw bear in the window the other day on our walk.