Hey guys?
Thanks for your messages and stuff we are always checking them and its good to hear how your suffering with the cold back home!!!
Brisbane was the first real city we have visited since Singapore so it was a nice change of pace. So many other backpackers had told us how boring it was but we both enjoyed it and were there for 5nights and 6days.
We did quite a lot really, they had nice Botanical gardens which were nice to walk around and just chill out and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre. During the days it was fairly hot and humid so we bailed out into the wonderfully air conditioned shopping centres!!
Night time was again like other cities when Brisbane really gets going! We went to our first cricket match: it was a final of 20/20 league match between Queensland and Victoria and was only $12 (6pound) was a really fun night and was quite fast paced (it was over in less than 3hours, which pleased Hannah as it didnt drag out!) 20/20 has a reputation for being a bit mental and fast paced but unfortunately it was a low scoring game and Queensland who we were cheering for lost!
Another night I went out with these 2 scouse lads from our dorm (man can scousers drink) while Hannah stayed in and got an early night (One thing ive really learned about her is how much she really likes to sleep...anywhere, buses boats camels (only joking) but i think you get the idea!
Our final night in Brisbane was spent on the CitiCat night ferry which for $4.40 was amazing... a 2 hours boat journey up and down Brisbane river at night with everything lit up was really nice. After that went back for an early night before our trip further south to Surfers Paradise (We hope its as good as it sounds) for Australia day 26th Jan which is basically an excuse for Aussies to have a day off work and eat and drink all day!
Hope everyone is well greets (what all Germans say at the end of messages) Rich and Hannah xx
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