On the 3rd of June we left Paraburdoo and headed to Tom Price. Again the landscape was not as we expected. We expected flat lifeless desert. However the scenery is rolling hills and mountains covered in scrubby trees and bracken. After good rains here it is green and very pretty. Tom Price is another mining town in the Pilbara and was named after Thomas Moore Price who arrived in the area in the early 1960's to appraise deposits of ore. He worked for the American Company Kraiser Steel. Since then the town has transformed into a busy little hub, maybe a bit smaller than Avoca. We were impressed by the recreational facilities in Tom Price such as Football Ground, tennis courts, skate park and pool. It was over 30 degrees and the pool was seasonally closed. It was funny as locals were getting around in jeans whilst we were in shorts and singlets and having a meltdown. We have a friend from Avoca who works up here the mines, we just missed him by a day as he'd just flown home. We spent most of day in Tom Price before heading into the Karijini National Park.
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