So, after arriving back from Fraser Island, we had to unpack the truck and say our goodbyes to those who are moving on to their next destination tonight.
I have just booked my bus to Brisbane tomorrow morning. I am being picked up at 08:00 and will be in Brisbane by 15:30, so its not too bad.
I still havent had a shower, so I cant wait to have one tonight - Im sure it will be the best yet! I can also proudly say that I have used the toilet since getting back!
Im not doing very much tonight, might do a little bit of much needed washing! Ive not done any washing over here, and being away does make me realise and appreciate everything that Mum and Dad do for me back home - so thank you!
I have missed reading my messages every day - so thank you to those who left me messages over the past two days! It really does make me smile!
I hope everyone back home is well.
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