Settling into my new dorm was fantastic - I met five new people and got on with them really well.
It was Tammy's last night with me in Cairns, so we decided to go out for a few drinks with my new room mates. We made our way down to the bar / club, just in time for the '2 for 1' offer.. Perfect timing! Before I knew it, more people from the hostel had come over to sit with us and we were a group of eight.
It was my round, so I went up to the bar and ended up talking to a guy from Bath, so I invited him over to join us. He ended up spending the rest of the evening with us.
We all agreed to go over to the Woolshed (a really tacky pub where the girls dance on the tables, whilst men sit down around them) - it was actually quite funny! We didnt stop long because me and Tammy had to be up early for our tours. Or so we thought...
Yes, you guessed it, I slept in! I didnt make it on board the bus to Cape Tribulation, I was pretty annoyed because I was really looking forward to it. I woke up at 10:30 and went straight into town with Adam (one of the guys in my dorm). We spent about an hour in a tattoo and piercing shop, before Adam decided to get his ear pierced!
You probably wont believe it, but the weather wasnt great so we decided to go and see a film at the cinema. We watched 'The Strangers' - which we both screamed like girls the whole way through! What wimps!
We have just got back to the hostel now, might go for a swim in a little bit.
Not much planned for tonight, its my last night in Cairns because I have booked my bus to collect me tomorrow morning to take me to Mission Beach for one night.
Adam has loaned me his pictures of Cape Tribulation, because I didnt quite make it. Its not what I was hoping to do, but Im afraid its the next best thing because I have run out of time to do it now... Sorry!
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