Monday at it was back to 6am wake up calls, bit of an eventful week at work. Monday one of the lads called Tom scraped his arm on a piece of steel hanging out the concrete which sliced his skin and you could see his muscle it got that deep, had to use antispeptic cream because the steel could have gave him a nasty infection.
That same day we were ripping down ceilings without hard hats and the next day continued to do the same but unfortunately for "Tetley's" ( tall Matt) he smacked a piece of wood with a sledgehammer that spun round and hit one of the sprinklers, which in turn hit the fire sprinklers and set it off.
I was round the corner so I didnt see it but I heard a burst then looked round the corner and it looked like gas coming out of a pipe so I got the hell out of there with Matt and James following, looked back inside and noticed that it was the sprinkler that was going off and practically flooding te floor in the room we were working in, but much to matts relief it didn't set all the sprinklers off in the hotel, but it gets worse in the face that when the sprinklers went of the fire alarm went off and a signal was sent to the emergency services and the fire brigade showed up. Trust this to happen on a day when the big boss paid a visit too.
To make matters worse because the fire service wasn't actually needed, they charged the hotel 700 dollars! Luckily they didn't make Matt pay for it.
Ever since he hasn't lived it down and personally I'm glad it happened that day because before that John made me clear and s*** pipe with gloves! Luckily I had a genius idea and used a think shovel to get between the sides and clean it out, still absolutely stunk though, kept my lynx next to me to spray it round whenever I could smell it.
Also over these two days it wasn't until after about 6 hours of ripping down the ceilings did John tell us to wear those face masks because he said anything could be in the ceiling, and would you believe it there was rat piss and poo on some of the beams when we looked in the skip. Wasn't pleasant sneezing and having dust come out your nose either.
On Tuesday night before the once a week domino night special offer I decided to try shaving my hair myself for the first time, using the same razor I use for my face, I did alright but the back half was obviously a nightmare so before I got Matt in to help me I did look like I had a bit of alopecia going on.
On Thursday after shovelling for about a day and a half John said we probably were not needed next week as we were ahead of schedule and he didn't need us on Friday so he said take it as a long weekend.
Cheers John!
Friday came and it was toms last day before he left to go farming so during the day went to the lagoon then with the Xmas money I was given early I used it to buy an iPad which is sweet! And a new shirt because I was one short and I needed a shirt to go out with on the night.
Got to 7.30 and the drinking began, goon again, drinking games again, we were drinking on the top floor of the hostel, two tables joined together, bottles and game cards everywhere looking over the city lights with Tom having his laptop playing tunes which was cool. left hostel pretty mortal at like 10.30-11ish showed a girl the geordie dancer moves in a pub, had a few vodkas and saw andy the Scottish plumber out which was random! But like I use to do back home a lot and now the past two times drinking is an annoying habit of mine which is getting too drunk then not telling people where im going and walk straight home. I'm sure it's the goon doing this since it's like wine and I'm not use to that kind of drunk, but I get tired and too drunk so my mind tells me it's time to go, but I never remember it, gotta start on the beers soon I reckon.
Saturday everybody was goosed, one of smaller matts mates was leaving Monday ( the girl I showed the Geordie dancer moves) and we all went for a meal. During the meal and also the day thunderstorms came along, it looked really cool, the rain was torrential and at times hailstone, it was sheet lightning which lit up the sky, like the pic I put on Facebook was at night when it is suppose to be pitch black. Some of the wind was so bad trees were actually uprooted or torn in half. Tried going to one of the parks today and couldn't access half the place because of fallen branches and destroyed fences etc. Crazy times!
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