38/14. Midsummer's Day. The Summer Solstice. The Longest Day, but only if you are in certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere, of course.
Decision time at the moment, as I decide whether to stay or go. Although I am definitely coming back home, I have to consider the possibility of returning to Jungchul Hagwon, for another year. Maybe I can contrive an offer too good to refuse.
I think I have got another year in me at the same place, due to the changes afoot with some of the material being used on the kids. I can always vary things a little and add my own individual way of delivering lessons.
I have uploaded a freshly made, concise pop video edit of the Changwon Speech Contests, although I don't know how long it will stay up for. See Videos. I cannot guarantee that children were not harmed in the making of the video. The inspiration came from one non Jungchul Hagwon kid who decided to treat us all to a belly dance and used the ubiquitous 'One More Time' - which gets played everywhere and has been number one in Korea for seemingly months now.
Garry's parents have turned up, all the way from Lowestoft, on their way to a tour of Oz. It was interesting to meet them on Friday. Should any of my parents wish to come all the way out to Korea, there is a free lunch from the boss awaiting them!
Had a visit from a Jehovah's Witness today, and I sat him down for nearly 2 hours while I did most of the talking. He wants me to get involve in the local JW group. The words 'wide' and 'berth' spring to mind. Although I think I am going to read more of both The Bible and my Christopher Hitchens anti-religious book in equal measures from now on. I will also finally get round to watching the internet movie, 'Zeitgeist', this weekend, too.
The situation in Zimbabwe doesn't get any better, does it? Neither do the situations in Mirymar or the Chinese province affected by the recent earthquake, as now they have floods. Thankfully, despite a lot of rain here recently, we are not flooded out of our homes ... but it is getting rather sticky, and the full Changma (rainy season) is upon us.
I bought a cheap book which includes a recipe for Kimchi, so I will attempt to recreate Korea's national dish when I get back to England. Dad, keep working on the tax and criminal check paperwork for me, will you? Bloody bureaucracy! Won't be long before I am back.
Korean lessons continue at the college, and it is beginning to help with my confidence levels in speaking Korean in public, mostly in bars, with notebook and phrasebook handy. I will get there eventually. Never too late. I might consider doing the next level after returning from Japan, if the option is available.
Anyway, signing out, still unmarried and still looking...
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