Four weeks completed, but it's a marathon, not a race. Settling down now into the teaching week. I am getting tired on a daily basis. Already extremely tired of the dodgy 'Andy and Euri' Americanised dialogues that we have to play to phonics classes. Slowly beginning to put names to faces - they all have English versions but not all of them will wear their name tags happily. I have a mixed bag of classes and because of problems, with different level abilities within classes, two new IC (Intensive Course) classes are being formed out of existing ones. This is basically streaming the 'creme de la creme' into a focused and well-motivated set whose parents will have to pay a little more for some seriously good English teaching. That's where I step in. It's my job should I choose to take it. Actually... I have no choice, it is rather forced upon me... and will mean I will hardly have any breaks between 2.55pm and 9.15pm - the times of my first and last classes. Already, I am getting in before 1pm just so that I can plan for the day, and this may be getting earlier and earlier as I try to stay on top of things. Conversely, I don't want to appear too keen otherwise the school will just take advantage. We have several stacks of diaries to mark throughout the week and the occasional report card to fill in - i've done my first batch without having any basis for the grades I am giving out. I did get on stage the other day, in front of some of the parents, during a Junior 1/6 Level Test (just before the rather staid performance of Little Red Riding Hood - see videos).
Communication from the Korean teachers to us is not great... well, not on the important aspect of letting us know about changes and what should be taught. Myself, Gary and Andy have a weekly meeting with the supervisor, Miss Kim Li-na, who is great, and we can air our views... but we've only got her thanks to Andy's efforts on stressing the importance of needing someone like her, who can liaise and bridge the communication gap that exists. I have started to raise issues, such as bad classroom design. And I will not be happy until I have a bigger desk... i have desk envy at the moment... i've only got a small one! Still waiting until my first wages go in until I approach the boss about buying a laptop... then things will begin to get more organised, then I will be happier. But for now, I am making do.
Today, all three of us have been sat bored at another speech contest... but we were rewarded with some cash from both the boss and the parents of one of our students - so today there was such a thing as a free lunch. Pizza, in fact. Andy also took time to show us some hotspots in town - i.e. where to buy textbooks and gadgetry...
Not much else to report... it's all been work, work, work this week. Still struggling with the same few English speaking channels. Dad - could you check if we have Arirang TV on the Skybox please?- it's an English language Korean channel.
I will not know until tomorrow whether I am going to Busan, but I will be venturing back to the International tonight for Hallo'ween (free buffet, all you can drink for 15,000 won).
Sounds like the front of house personnel has changed at the Corner House... Unfortunately I am not about to make a sudden return. The weather here remains temperate.
Annyonghi Kyeseyo.
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