Hi. I have finally managed to find a PC BANG in the centre of town in order to write my first proper blog from Korea. I was getting withdrawl symptons, having gone cold turkey for the whole weekend - no internet access at all. I also had no means of communication with anyone after I had been dropped off at my flat (address now on the front page). The phone didn't work, the plumbing needed fixing, the bed needed new sheets and my kitchen table needed new glass before I could use it. Still, I was pretty impressed to get my own place, consisting of a kitchen area, bedroom area with TV and shower room, with toilet and toploading washing machine. I have Korean neighbours all around, who i suspect I will not be speaking to all the time I am here. There are lots of young kids and dogs, too... if i wake up one morning and can't hear any dogs, then we can assume the worst!
Having said goodbye to Dad and Pete, the realisation of what I was about to do begun to sink in.. i had kept my emotions in check... but suddenly being alone, surrounded by hundreds of people going in different directions... it dawned on me that this was real. After a pleasant flight, during which i slept for about 5 hours (thanks to Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End), I arrived at Incheon to be greeted by Anna. I had bought 2 bottles of Jamesons Whiskey at Heathrow, one litre too many but I got away with it at customs. Anna sorted me out with a transfer to the motel and then next day (Sat) to Gimpo Airport, for my internal transfer to Busan - a 55 minute flight. She didn't make it in time so I had to check myself in and get on the plane. No worries, and I was met by Lee, Dae Yeon - my boss - at Busan - although i was suspicious as he showed me nothing official. I just had to trust him when he said he knew my name. Anyway, I soon met his wife and we went to lunch before being taken shopping. They were filling the basket and I thought tey were cheeky to ask me to pay for all of it - but then i realised later it was stuff (like binliners and shower shoes) which I needed for the flat. The previous tenant, Philip, had left under a large cloud... although there is no official tenancy agreement he caused disturbance by coming home late drunk too many evenings and waking the neighbours. His last day at the school was Friday and there has been lots of fun being introduced as another Philip to the kids and teachers.
After a quiet, lonely weekend I had my first day on Monday. What an amazing in-at-the-deep-end experience. I had a tour at 1pm, met the other staff - roughly 10 Korean Women and 2 other English guys - Wyn - who is leaving soon - and Andrew Holmes - the same guy who interviewed me and put a good word in for me with the boss. I learnt last night that he is an ex APU student, albeit when it was called CCAT (c.1988-90) So first experience of getting a job using the 'old school tie'?? He will also be a great mentor and advisor, having been here a few years, having transferred from another Junghcul Hagwon (Jungchul is a chain of private language schools). He knows loads about computers, hates mircosoft operating systems and has a big fan of bittorrenting (Mark, only you will know what i mean there). He is currently downloading lots of old episodes of Dr. Who. Hmmm! Do you think we wil get on? hmm?
Anyway, i teach up to 9 classes a day, starting from around 2.45pm, going into the late evening... starting with small ones (ages 7-8) and rising to teens (up to 16) as the day progresses. These 'poor' kids do a normal days schooling before coming to the hagwon - so some have, like, 9 hour days. Except, of course, they are from well-off families, who want them to have an upper hand. I surprised myself, despite all the strange organisation, how quickly i adapted to the classroom. Unfortunately, the learning consists mostly of repeition and use of memory... there is a strict Jungchul approach, which as teachers we have to adhere to. We will see how long it is before i get bored of it myself. But i have already had some great interaction with the kids. Mark, you won't be surprised to know that they love to laugh at my face and tell me what a big nose i've got! I have to mark their diaries and occasionally take a register. Yesterday I had to correct one kid's 150 word synopsis of 'Harry Potter and The Immortality Bird' (sic). So far, I have been shadowed by Ms Kim (Jina). But by next week I will be on my own... i've had about 15 classes so far in 2 days and only one was disruptive... i think because Philip (my predecessor) had got them playing Hangman once too often.
Last night, the Boss kindly gave Andrew a small envelope containing 50,000 Won with the instructions that he take me and Wyn out on the town for some drinks!! So, I actually saw a bit of nightlife last night and managed to walk home after an out-of-town taxi driver got us all lost!
Anyway, I've had only begun to descibe the last 72 hours... if you have any questions please send them to me because there is more that I haven't said than said..
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