You know that old adage, "Be careful what you wish for! It just might come true." Well...
I've been wishing a lot lately.
I left a message this week saying 'announcement soon', although no-one read it or responded to it. Well, because life goes on and you don't feel the need to contact me or send me messages... i thought i would try and provoke something. It was ultimately a failed attempt to generate some interest in me... how self-absorbed is that, eh?
Mum has just returned from another life-enrinching experience in Malawi, one that is almost impossible to put into words. Other people are
that I know are having similar life-changing experiences around the world.
Anyway, I am 'crying wolf' (and not the one featured in Little Red Riding Hood), because there is no actual announcement.
Unless you count the fact that I asked someone to marry me today (Sunday) and she said YES!
Or maybe that I am definitely going to visit Japan in late July ... subject to getting my Visa changed on Tuesday at Masan Immigration. I have negotiated the time off work, as it will be around the time the hagwon will be closed for 3 days.
Or maybe that I have decided I will come back to Korea for another year, although I have doubts it will be at the same hagwon (academy), purely because there is no way I will be allowed 2 months off to return to the UK.
Other than those THREE announcements, THERE ARE NO ANNOUNCEMENTS.
I am feeling good this week, although I had an accident yesterday with some broken glass on my kitchen floor. I was in the middle of cleaning my flat and stabbed my right palm. Kelly took me to the Fatima Hospital for the removal of said glass and some stitches. Total cost for treatment: a whopping 148,000 Won! Just under my health insurance excess level, so I can't claim!
After returning from the hospital on Monday, having paid a further 46,000 Won for treatment... the boss realised that it might be a good idea to take out a private medical insurance for his Native English Speaking staff. Too late for this particular outlay but OK for the future.
I had a date with Eun-jung on Thursday at Starbucks (sorry, i know, but it's conveniently placed in town). This was interesting and we made a connection. She is, however, off to Seoul to live for 6 months.
Yesterday, despite the accident, I went to my fourth study group meeting, and received my MS Echo badge.
I had a date today with Gilly, Miso and her work-colleague, So-Hyun. Went up Chong Byong San (mountain) again, and had pa-jon and dong-dong-ju (yellow makoli style licquer out of a battered kettle).
I have altered the most recent photos as I had loads more photos of last weekend's 9th anniversary event which I wanted to add, so I have put the wedding shots into its own folder. There are some wonderful portraits... most notably the president and the 3 'pink ladies' - only called that because Team A, of which they were members, performed Summer Nights, from Grease. Only those that know the song will be aware of the references within, but suffice to say that 'Summer Nights' was the very first 7" vinyl record i ever bought - way back in September 1978. After 6 weeks at No.1 it was knocked off by 'Rat Trap' by the Boomtown Rats - the 2nd single I ever bought.
Not to much to report from work... as there have been no major changes. I am just getting on with it.
All the action is in my private/social life - which is very pleasing to me....
Oh, I promise not to actually get married without sending out invites first... although I might do a Pete 'n' Kirsty. Fantastic news, of course, about the prospect of a baby girl within the Longwell clan. Beats anything I can offer in way of news right now... or can it??
So... be careful what you wish for! It just might come true!
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