This week a yellow mist decended over Changwon... the Hwang-sa (lit. yellow sand) which, like a lot of other products, is an import from China. By the weekend, however, it seemed to have disappeared, moving onto Japan.
Nearly 6 months gone and it is plain sailing. I am relaxed and enjoying the job, buoyed by schedule changes which benefit me and the increasing trust placed in me to make my own lesson plans, while still covering the basics. Not so much IF as IS. The song i listened to most as i flew over Russia was 'A Bad Dream' by Keane. Hence the use of the song in my arrival video - now uploaded - see videos.
OK, I could do without the intermidable Andy & Euri dialogues, but i just sleepwalk through those lessons. It's more rewarding to teach my IC classes where I can monitor improvements, although a quick straw poll revealed that one of the textbooks was far too easy and parents have complained, too. So, we just change textbooks, no problem, really. I feel better when I actually teach rather than just test the kids' knowledge.
Bit of a surprise at the end of this week, however, when I learn of 2 more staff exits. The longest surviving member, Na-young, leaves next Friday, to prepare for marriage. Then, Seong-Mi leaves the following Friday, having just handed her notice in, after completing 12 months. I suspected she wouldn't last, but I will be sad to see her go and we chat a lot and she constantly checks my Korean pronunciation, amongst many other things. This means that I will become the longest serving member of staff on the 6th floor (there are 2 floors).
Last night we went out for a drink, some pig and a sing-song... forseeing that when both leave it will be the typical unprotracted Korean goodbye - i.e. very brief.
I now have a cell-phone (hand-a-phone) courtesy of Eun-jung's sister - 010 8671 1966 - which is completely in Korean. I will use it for brief calls and emergencies.. it will be useful if I am out and about and arranging to meet someone. I may use it for text if I can work out how to.
Having a hand-a-phone immediately reduces the odds on getting a girl, as I openly joke. You have to ring them every hour to keep the relationship 'alive'. We will see. Although more effort on my part is also required.
Anyway, the main thought is that my bad dream is more like a dream come true... this teaching lark is what I was made for.
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