Day 23. After breakfast we farewelled our friends from Canberra, Robyn and Ross, who are travelling towards the Kimberley and who we will meet up with again in WA. A quiet rest day for us - washing, shopping, reading and trying to diagnose a problem with our Waeco car fridge. A friendly resident groundsman at our van park lent me his multimeter to check my battery output/input. Seems 11.2 volts may not be sufficient to power the fridge and our second battery may be stuffed! Will check it out with auto electricians in Darwin. Drove out to see the Jabiru airport and the monstrous Ranger Uranium Mine owned by Rio Tinto. Ugly massive craters in the ground - open pit mining - although they are only processing the stockpiles now with the mine running at a financial loss. Cannot believe government and landowners' approval was given for this mine right near a world heritage national park given many incidents of environmental contamination! We only hope they fill in these massive craters when it eventually closes. Dinner tonight at the van - barbecued Angus beef sausages with salad. Very warm 33 degrees today.
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