Nikki's World Travels
Woohoo.....back in auckland! So this time i decided to stay in a different YHA - actually to tell you the truth i dialed the wrong number to the YHA so decided that that will do. Anyway, arrived kinda late so by the time i had some dinner i was ready to hit the sack. In my dorm there was a canadian and a girl from uruguay called lorena who i ended up hanging out with the whole time i was there which was loads of fun.
So the next day we headed up the sky tower (that adds another one to my list inclu the one in toronto, kuala lumpur and im sure ive done another one but cant remember that now - anyway enough of the babblin!) Then after that we got the boat over to devonport (the first settlement of the british) and had some lunch before climbing up the hill to the amazing view point. That evening i went to see Dirty Dancing at the theatre (sorry sara - im still gonna see it with you but i fancied going to theatre in another country) it had libby in it from neighbours but she wasnt that great but the guy was really good and played the part well.
Following day we got up early and took the boat over to rangitoto which is an active volcano and we walked to the top. It was a really hot day and the climb was kinda hard but totally worth it in the end. We met a canadian girl on the way up who joined us for the rest of the walk to the crater edge and the lava caves (v dark)!. We headed back to the main land grabbed some lunch before having look around town. In the evening we went to see Kinky Boots at the cinema which was really funny.
On fri i had to get up early for my yellow fever injection. Lorena came with me which was nice but i was fine after the shot so we preceeded to Gloria Jeans for coffee and bagels - yum! In the arvo it was pretty bad weather so went to the art museum and saw an exhibition of British art in the 60s which was cool but not fab but it wasted a few hours - well more like an hour but enough. In our hostel we had an oldish woman from adelaide who was crazy well she was not crazy as such but wouldnt stop talking and would talk about random stuff all the time and got kinda of annoying after a while!! That night we decided to go out for dinner at a thai place then meet jen at Minus 5 - the ice bar but after walking around for ages lookin for thai we ended up in an italian place. After we met jen we went to a bar before freezing our arses off in the miuns 5 ice bar. The bar was really good - made completely of ice from the bar to the glasses. Only could stay in there for 30mins but totally worth it. Then went to another bar for a couple before gettin a taxi home - wasnt a late night as going to my cousins house tomo!
So that was pretty much my time in Auckland - its a nice city and big compared to the reat of NZ.
Only one more stop in NZ before south america!!
love to all
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