The bus came at 7:30am to pick me up at my hostel. We went to go have breakfast before our dangerous expedition. I was with 5 other Autralians. We had to take a bus ride after breakfast to our starting destination which was the highest point at 4900 meters, 90 minutes away.
I was feeling fine today, but a bit worried about the road of death. I was told that people die from it every year. We started in the absolute cold. It was really funny because we were surrounded by snow and the australias have never seen snow before so they started playing with it. We got dressed with all of our gear. I made sure that when I got my bike, the brakes were working properly.
Since we were starting at the highest point, it was nothing but downhill from here. It was great! When we started, I did not have to peddle. It was like a rollercoaster ride that I was directing. We got to a checkpoint and had to drive a bit to our next destination (the real road of death).
The scenery was beautiful. It was like we were in the amazon. I was feeling pretty confident at this point and was going really fast. I was not allowed to pass our guide, but I kept on telling him to go faster while the autralian trailed behind. Suddenly, I make a false turn and a bad brake that makes my bike flip and projects me about 10 meters in front...I was paralyzed for a bit, until people came to help me. It was a good thing that I fell on the right side, because if I would have fallen on the left side I would have met a 100 meter free fall all the way down to an ugly death.
Over here, that it why they called it the road of death, because there are no ramps and the height of the cliffs are really high. The road use to be the main road to and from LaPaz, but because so many vehicules fell and crashed, they decided to make another road.
We finally got to the end around 1pm, and all went for lunch at a nearby hostel. It was great, because we were all really hungry and lunch was a buffet (my favorite word when we talk about food!). We relaxed for about 2 hours there (there were hamaks!), and then went back to LaPaz.
I got my free CD and T-Shirt back at the agency, and went back to the hostel to have another one of those flu teas. I prepared my bag, because tonight, I was taking the night bus to Cochabamba with Eugenia, her aunt, and her two little cousins. The owner of the hostel (a Irish guy) came to talk to me for a bit asking me how I enjoyed the hostel. I told him that except for the loud music, the hostel was great. He told me that he had been working on the sound insulation...
I met Eugenia at the bus station at around 10:30pm. She brought a blanket for me (how nice!). I don't know why, but I slept like a baby in the bus. This was a first during my whole trip. I guess I was just tired from the lack of sleep at the hostel!
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