It was 4am, and I could not sleep. My throat was so inflammed that I was scared that it was going to close completely. IMy nose was completely blocked , and everytime that I would blow my nose, there would be blood. I was in desperate need of water, but everything was closed. No one was awake in the hostel, and I was starting to panic.
I was pacing back and forth in my room, waiting for time to pass by. I finally decided to go seek help outside. I open the door, and luckily, I see an open kiosk selling stuff. I am saved! I walk across the street and buy some water. I ask the lady if she has anything for a cold, and she says no. However, she tells me that their is a hospital that is open at this hour, but I would have to walk. Eric had told me how dangerous Copacabana is, especially at night. People thrive on tourists, taking advantage of them, and takjing evrything they've got, but I am desperate, I have to see a doctor.
I walk the streets of Copacabana, alone. I get to the street of the hospital, and look up. It is up a small hill, through an alley. I am relieved, I made it! As I start walking through the alley, I hear dogs barking. The more I walk down the alley, the barking gets louder and is accompinied by growling. These dogs are not your typical dogs. I stop for a moment and think to myself. Is this worth it? I did not get a rabies shot? This dogs could be dangerous. I walk back down, I can't do it. Suddenly, an elderly man passes by. I stop her to ask for help. I tell her that I am not from around here, I am sick, scared, and there are dogs that are barking at me and might bite me. The man smirks and just walks away without a response.
Then a women passes by, and I say the same thing. She tells me not to worr, and that the dogs don't bite. I look up at the hospital, at the top of the hill, I have to walk 200 meters and I am there. I have to stay calm and get the courage to walk pass the numorous dogs that have warned me many times that I am not welcome. I start ealking, very slowly...the growling gets worst. A dog comes in my face, showing his teeth, saliva dripping down...he is mad! I still continue walking, I can't show fear!
I have arrived at the gates! Nothing happened! I ring the bell, because the gates are closed, and a woman comes to the gate. She tells me that the hospital is closed and that I would have to come back at 8am. NOOOOO!!!! I was practially dying, here! She told me that the hopital was only open 24 hours for emergencies! But I was an emergency! Apparently not...
I turn around, and look back at the alley. My biggest fear is not the dangers of Copacabana, but those dogs...I start walking down slowly, back to my hostel. This time, one dog comes really close to me, and starts chasing me down. I can't run, if I run, he would know I am afraid, and will bite. My heart is racing, but I finally make it back down. The adreneline did make my throat feel a little better.
I go back to my hostel. It is now 7am. I wait desperately for 8am to come around. When 8am does come, I decide to take a taxi. I did not want to face those dogs again. When I see the doctor, she immediately tells me that I do not have swine flu, just a bad laryngitis. I have had these before, many times (just not for 15 days). She tells me that i would need a shot of at least 5 different drugs. I tell her do what you need to do, just get rid of this!
She tells me that after the injection, I should go back home, rest for an hour, and I should feel much better. This is what I did, and I did feel better, but not as better as I thought. However, this was the first sign of hope that I had that there was a possibility of me feeling fine. Despite the doctors orders to stay an extra night in Copacabana, I felt sufficiantly good to go to LaPaz. I had already reserved my hostel in LaPaz, and I had to move on...
I take the 3 hour bus ride at 3:30pm. I finally get to LaPaz (and my hostel) at 8pm. My hostel here looks amazing. However, I did not have much time to expore, I just went straight to bed. Let's hope my experience in LaPaz willñ be different...
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