I got up today, feeling a bit better, but still sick. For the first time, I felt that there was light at the end of the dark tunnel...I took a shower, and the shower was sooo hot! I loved it! This was an amazing hostel!
I was meeting with a cousin of Jesli (a friend of Eric). Her name was Eugenia, and she spoke perfect English. I was meeting her at 8pm, tonight. So I had the day to explore the city.
I started out by going to the Museum of Coca. A history of the Coca leaf, Coca-Cola, and Cocaine. It was a really interesting museum. I learned that Bolivia is to blame for the Coccaine crisis in the United States, and the world.
After the Coca Museum, I went to the witches market. I figured that if contemporary medicine can't help me, black magic will. I bought this substance called eucolyptus. Eucolyptus is a tree, and it is said to help with colds and sore throats (that's what the witch told me...) I decided to give it a try so I went back to my hostel and put 5 drops in steaming hot water. I had to inhale the vapours for a while.
The stuff did work for a bit. It was great because I was sitting at the bar, and there was an AC Milan vs FC Bayern game going on. I then decided to rest in bed before I got to see Eugenia. At around 7:30pm. I got up and got ready. There was a BBQ going on at the hostel. It was really like a party. I was upset though that I wasn't feeling better. I could have profitted so much from this hostel had I been well enough to party. Here, everyone was hooking up with everyone...
I was starting to get a mild fever again, and getting really cold while waiting for Eugenia. I was contemplating whether ot not to cancel on her, just because I felt I needed more rest. However, I could not do that to her. Here she was going to show me around town, on her own free time, and I just couldn't cancel.
I waited until 8:30pm (she was on Bolivia time...). When I met her, we clicked right away. We decided to go to Mongo's (a place that my travel book suggested). It was an excellent place for my cold since there were candles everywhere, and we sat next to a huge fireplace. We had my favorite pie and vanilla ice cream with tea. We talked all night about our lives and ambitions. She spoke English perfectly because she had volunteered in Canada for 3 months in 2007, and dreams of living there one day (and marrying a canadian...).
I would have really liked to party with her that night, however, I felt that the responsible thing to do was to go to bed and hope that tomorrow night would be better. She agreed to show me around all day tomorrow (isn't that great, my personal tour guide!). When I went back to my hostel, I drank a tea specific for colds and went straight to bed. However, my hostel is a great place for travellers to party, but not that great for travellers who aresick and want some rest. I was only able to sleep once the bar closed, and there was no more loud 2am!!!
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