Today, I was starting to feel a lot better, but I still had a sore throat. I took a nice hot shower...for 20 minutes because it felt sooo good! I was meeting Eugenia at 10:30am in front of the Cathedral at the Plaza Murrillo. I went to have a nice big breakfast (I found my appetite again after weeks of soup and tea!).
Once I met Eugenia, we decided to go to her place and get her car. She lived on the outskirts of LaPaz, in the rich area. It took 30 minutes to get there, but once I got there I was so impressed...her house was bigger than my house! I mket her aunt and her two little cousins there. Her cousins are fraternal twins, and Eugenia has an identical twin sister, was a family of twins!
We first went for a salteña al queso. Salteñas are really popular in Bolivia, but they only serve them from 10 to 1pm. They usually make it with only meat or chicken, but where we went was the only place where they made it with cheese. Eugenia then took me around to the richest parts of LaPaz. I did not feel like I was in Bolivia anymore...the houses were so beautiful.
After, we went to this place that looked like the carates on the moon (Iforgot the name...). It looked like a really romantic spot. We stayed there for a bit before going for lunch to this Cineplex center. They had a cafeteria at the top with a nice view of the mountains of LaPaz. I only had a ice scream because my throat was still hurting. It was around 3pm, and Eugenia had class at 4:30pm so we went back to her house to drop of the car, and went downtown again.
I needed to register for the Road of Death tomorrow. The Road of Death is bike tour where you go down a road that people die on every year (again I did not tell my mother, because I knew that she would freak!). Once we found an agency that was cheap, but safe enough, I said bye to Eugenia, and went back to my hostel to have another one of those teas for when you have the cold. I was really hoping that I would get more sleep tonight since I had to get up at 7am tomorrow morning.
But no, this night was even worst...the loud music was unbarable...I only went to bed at 2am again...
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