WOW best trip of my life! this will be long but i make no appologies about it!
Not so much of an early start, however earlier than id like seeing as there was nothing to do in Airlie, but had to check out by 10am. I managed to tag along with a couple of girls who were also checking out to go on a boat although different boat. We went to grab something to eat together and just strolled around, was just nice not being on my own for once here! I had to leave before them, walking on my own id ran out of time to get alcohol for the boat which after a second i decided wasnt such a bad thing, i wasnt going to need drink to enjoy sailing around the whitsunday islands!
Walking there i had the slightest nerves in me however i was full of excitement for the hugely anticipated trip and also looking forward to getting away from Airlie Beach so wouldnt have cared if it was awful just to get away from here. Although of course it wasnt! there was a big group of 13 irish but then everyone else in small groups or on there own, very sociable within minutes of being on the boat people were chatting! Which settled what little nerves i had in seconds! 2 girls who i ending up spending alot of time with on boat offered i shared their drink which they had too much of! I obliged although didnt drink too much of their drink, aprt from anything Goon isnt the worlds tastiest of drinks... strange considering its so popular! hehe. It is such a small world. The ship mate welcoming us onboard is from St Albans!
After some sailing we arrived at our point of rest for the night in i believe Hooks passage? bassically a protected passage between the 2 biggest islands in the whitsundays. That night we had the pleasure of some dolphines swimming around the boat. The next morning was quite ammusing... well i thought so. At 7am the crew came down to the cabins banging pots and pans to wake everyone up. I should add at this point i was very lucky and got a cabin to myself, although the double bed i took over definatly would have been a nice snuggle for 2! However it was very welcome!
After breakfast we set off once more to the other side of whithaven the biggest island in the whitsundays. This is a beach which almost certainly you seen a pic of a nice beach, this is it. Rated the nicest beach in the world, i wouldnt argue. With the finest sand in the world aswel 98/7% silicon, it was like walking on velvet! The only time sand has legally been allowed to be removed from here was to build and clean the hubble telescope! The views ere breathtaking and as you can see i got pictures worthy of being postcards! Words cant describe the beauty im lost for words trying to describe it! The pictures dont give it a true or close to genuine image of the beauty but they do a better description! We spent the whole morning here sunbathing, going in the sea although having to watch out for jellies, sting rays and baby sharks. Perfect oppotunity for photos and some rocks to jump off into the sand making it feel like landing on big cushioned provoked pictures of jumping off the rocks, doing handstands and kartwheels with the boats photographer catching some real good shots. The throwing a vortex around again the sneeky russian photographer got some good shots! i took a couple of pretty nice catches, 1 of which resulted in a round of applause which was quite nice. As we were waiting to go ashore some sea turtles came up to say hello and see what was casting a shadow on their water!
From here we went to blue pearl bay where we again went to shore, this time to do some snorkeling and eventually diving. This beach was a coral beach however so a little tender under foot as people tried to make their way along it. Once again saw some amazing coloured fish and some much bigger ones again seeing the local Maurie Wrasse and again managing to stroke it. It was started to get dark when the certified divers got our chance to dive. It was an amazing experience diving in dusk made sight difficult at times but there were a few caves and tunnels and stf to dive through which were amazing, the maurie wrasse stayed as the 6 of us swam past and took turns to stroke right down its side. When we came to the surface it was dark, quite a surreal experience although as i turned around to see the boat, there was the most amazing aftermath of a sunset iv ever seen! the sky was just orange red and pink streaks. Once again i was truely breathless! I actually jumped to inflate my BCD more. No picture would ever do it justice!
Once we were on the boat we saw some Giant Trevelin which look somewhere between a dolphine and shark and a few small sharks. Again very nice to see such amazing animals! we played a game where you have to pick up a box with only feet touchig the floor, of course i was useful at it but this time with punishments. If you didt achieve it or cheated you got spanked by a flipper! fortunately i gave better than i got! but did feel sorry because some of the hits were vicious but noone took it easy because if you did you'd get spanked! such a great evening to finish a great trip. I ended my evening star gazing! seeing yet more shooting stars! and managed to work out the southern cross and well was debating between 2 stars to be the south star.
I didnt find the mornings wake up quite so amusing the second time around. Maybe it was from staying up quite late enoying the views of the stars and peoples company. However the perfect wake up was on offer. As the winds were so strong in other parts of the whitsundays we stayed in the same place for people to dive more or snorkel more, however there was also the offer of jumping off the boat and or using teh slide to enter into the water! I naturally chose to go off the top cabins first a nice 5m drop! I chose to dive off quite sketchy so i decided to turn to bombing and spins! boming went grate until i did one but landed on my side which is now bruised! The slide was pretty tame so we tried to make it interesting by seeing if anyone could stand the whole way down, that proved pretty tricky by entertaining! I managed to get stung by something, dont really know or care what. I wasnt about to drop down dead so i didnt mind!
On our ride home there was a second shout for whale. The first time earlier in thetrip the captain had tried to trick people by sayinga rock out to sea was a whale and to be fair it was quite realistic although id noticed it wasnt moving but people fooled for it and took photos. But this time the call was genuine. We were blessed with the presence not too far from the boat of a mother whale teaching her pups some final tricks before leaving on their big journey north! Amazing to see though!
Once again i was sad for the trip to have finished althogh again met some pretty cool people. If this is anything to go by, if i had been offered a job i would honestly consider sticking out here right here right now!
I hope you enjoy the pictures iv spend hours trying to put up! hehe
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