Dragging myself out of bed at 5:50 am to be at the bus stop for 6 30 was not a pleasant experiece, although meetng all familiar faces was nice, wtth the entertainment of one girl still being drunk from the night before made it bareable! Although the prospect of 11 hour journey wasnt much to look forward to. However the drive was broken down nicely! Stopping in a small town a few hours into the jourey to play barefoot law bowls was an experince, i somehow wo the competition earning myself a drink later on that evening at Krombit.
Driving over the great dividing range was a pretty cool experince, with some gorgeous views from heights of the lowlands below but also other mountians in the horizon! Although as you can imagine there were large stretches where there was nothing but barron land and a few mountains and cattle to be seen. We did see a Kinta ?!?!(not spelt right) its half mamal and half reptile, it got stuck half way between the road of evolution, a kind of relative platapus, only found in australia! so was pretty cool to see, although it was road kill! Driving over the tropic of capricorn, the temperature had definately dropped by the time we arrved at krombit cattle farm.
This did not matter, not sure what i was expecting but it definately didnt disapoint! Log cabin dorm rooms, the commual area was outside a few chairs around a few big oil tin fires, good enough to keep everyone warm! The evenings entertainment included mechanical bull riding, a talent contest and a lesson o crackig the whip! i managed to pick it up pretty good and as a result went to next level of doing it over my head! A great experince. More smaller games were played for the few of us remaining until we called it a night at about 2am! You gota make the most of it ey!
Some of the others regretted staying up so late, woken by the farmer reving his very loud mini motor in time for breakfast at 6am! To give you idcation of how cold i had my thermal top, 2 t shrts my long sleeve top, and fleece and i was frozen! The fires were very welcome although wasnt until the sun was fully up before we warmed up!
The morning started off with going to their rodeo, learning to use lasoes which i again managed to pick up pretty well. then we were up for a challenge, in groups of three doing a rodeo of catching a goat, tipping it and then pretending to brand it, i had the job of tipping it which was successful enough! After that we let all the goats locked up free to roam with the others... although not for long!
Some of us jumped onto horses and went mustering (rouding up) all these goats which had to be moved through a few padacks to a new area they were allowed. It was a great experience being on horse back mustering 3-500 goats a couple of km!
After this we had to jump on our bus and say goodbye! It was funny leaving it was running through my head how alot of the people who worked there were originally back packers on the oz experince who just loved it and stayed to work... that defnately wouldnt have sounded so terrbile n my head!
Two of us then departed our group headig to 1770 a tiny village on the east coast. Claims to be the furthtest north point on the east coast you can surf. It is a tiny vllage though reminds me a little of Hope Cove only 1 of each kind of shop if you combine a few. But 100m walk from the beach is nice! and was very nce finally seeing some waves on an australia beach... although they did appear quite small and tame.
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