It was to be an early start and i had set my alarm for 5:50, the night had been the same as every other, people being noisy causing disrupted sleep but then also just through bad sleep, waking up at random times during the night. I finally came around to hearing people talking and one of the girls mentioned something about 7am, i casually looked at my watch and paniced reading 7.00am on it. I was meant to be nearly at the airport by this time.
I got dressed chucked everything into my bags, checked out and ran up to the train station where i was meant to be getting a bus, the time was noe 7:15, to do all that in 15 mins i was pretty impressed about,although now wasnt the time to start patting myself on the back! In a desperate attempt to still make my flight i got a taxi rather than waiting for the bus. I missed check in by 10 mins! Totally gutted! When i went to the service desk there were no problems though, another flight 2 hours later had space and only cost $50 to change so i was quite happy about all of that now! 2 hours later and i was on my flight.
After i landed it was a bit of a rush as well, i got on a shuttle bus which was going to take me straight to my hostel, and it did! unfortunately some other people who were on it and their stops before, made the bus do major detours so it turned what was an hours journey into 2 and half hour. This meant that the rest of my times were pushed pretty tight as well. I got to the hostel sorted out paying for myself, Joe and Nicki, i went to the room dumped my stuff and went out to try catch a bus to the convention centre, where my friend was waiting and where the Transplant Games opening ceremony was. The bus timetable was so confusing however, i tried to ring Emily although 50c doesnt get very far on pay phones to ring mobiles so i hoped in a taxi which was only $10 so wasnt too bad at all. Because of the unsuccesful phone call she had actually come out the front debating what to do so was pretty cool that i pulled up in a taxi right infront of her.
We then crept into the opening ceremony and who would have even considered it possible that in this HUGE arena her friends would be sitting row infront of the Hardings, well Caroline, Sophie and Laura, with Ian just about to come out with team GB. That made meeting up with them very easy. A very humbling opening ceremoney with some remarkable performances and stories passed before i was able to give Ian a hug. After a very nice buffet style BBq in the convention centre for all the participants and guests i join Emily and her friends in a taxi back although i had to go back to wait for the arrival of Joe and Nicki, a much awaited thing now. They were far later than they said they would have been im sure made worse by the fact i was looking forward to seeing them soo badly now. When they finally arrived and after a very long hug i showed them to our little cuboard we were going to call a dorm room. I offered a chance of them washing but they had been longing for a proper beer and wine respectively that we went straight out to find a nice pub, not only that but it was an Irish bar which meant that we could get proper Pints as well :)
Emily and her friends actually ended up joining us which was pretty cool! We stayed for a few drinks before calling it a night, as everyone was so shattered from one form of traveling or another. But was great to all be together finally!
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