After a fairly long drive from 1770 i arrived in Rainbow Beach too late for my group's meeting for fraser island as i knew i would but it was a shame as it meant i didnt get a chance to meet the group! I went through the paper work i needed to and was going to have to get up a little bit earlier than the others to watch the safety video's. It wasnt too bad though as two of the people in my group were actally in my Dorm so i was able to meet them. When i ventured into the bar that night i met another 3 guys as wel and they all seemed nice and they said the others were nice as wel. Not wrong at all, i had an amazing group for it as i found out ther following morning.
After id seen my safety videos i went out the front where my group was slowly assembling, the first tasks was to pack the food into cool boxes and crates and then load everything onto the truck checking we had everything we needed. And we were off. Off the ferry and onto the other side, straight into soft sand so the adventure had started. We then spend the next three days driving around stopping at various different places, at times the drives were relatively smooth... for off track 4x4 driving but other times we were bouncing all over the place. Sometimes id be pushed right up off my seat before landing on the uncomfy seats in a thud, other times the seat just dissapeared from underneath me!
The first day we ventured to lake Makenzie. This challenged the views of Whitsundays, the sand and lake looked so similar, although it wasnt quite as fine as Whitsundays. A very picturesk place naturally i was one of the first in, it was bracing although the sun was definately hot enough that it didnt matter. The evening we set up camp at 'Central Station' the group had bonded really well and after a walk around the creek we stopped off to have a BBQ before making our way back to camp to drink and play games getting to know each other better.
Our second day we were up pretty early just because it was so bright and set out our second venue Lake ... This again very picturesk but so different! it was surrounded by HUGE sand Dunes on one side running for as far as the eye could see, another direction from the top could see the sea and then the other side of the lake was rainforest one of the only places in the world where trees so big grow on sand. We enjoyed running down the dunes and rolling down into the water. Although we had to leave in order to get to our Beach set up before it was too late to drive of the becah. OMG what an amazing experince our tents were in sight and sound of the sea. Absolutely amazing experince. Although while we sat on the dunes watching the sea i noticed some dingo's had taken a liking to our camp. Fortunately they did nothing more than nock a couple of things over and didnt take anything, it became real though the risks and how much you have to be careful and lock away anything whch smells nice to dogs!
On our final day it was glorious waking up to the sound of waves and then crawling out the tent and see the waves right there. We headed up to Indian point from which there is a 270deg. view of the sea. Which just long beaches either side of that. From here we could see whales in the distance and sting rays in the water far below. We then headed back past a shipwreck although no exciting story behind it, was cool to see!
The excitement came when we managed to puncture our tyre on the way back onto the Ferry meaning we had to stop on the other side... well once we got onto hard ground and set about changing it. The guys were all debating about where to put it before finally agreeing on somewhere and it ran pretty smooth. The girls didnt exactly make the most constructive of commenst which was really annoying but another experince to add to the whole amazing experince of it!
Was painful though, the first sight of some proper waves in Australia and there was no chance of going in them. I must admit a few times i very nearly wanted to jst go in anyway although not sure anyone back home would be impressed if i did knowing they are shark infested? The lakes did make do though!
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