We managed to get a job in a 5 star resort called silky oaks in the Jungle just inland from Port Douglas in a town called mossman!! It was quite a neat set up as they sorted us out with food and accomadation as well as paying us!! Firstly they put us up in the resort which are kinda like chalets/huts in the forest. Very nice with awsome views! We basically just worked as wait staff at the resort which was ok!! After a week or so we got moved to the town, mossman as they accomodation was fully booked. was the same deal!! After a while it was getting a bit repetative and boring with absolutley nothing to do as this is just a sugar cane town and the train would come past our room 24/7 really loud lol!! Eventually we left and headed back down to Cairns where we will be until the 7th sept and we gonna be heading down the coast and to Alice Springs!!
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