So we basically went up to Rainbow Beach to go to Fraser Island and while we were there decided to go for some surfing lessons!! The surf was actually pretty good and the guy basically taught us how to stand up on the board!! Nick managed it pretty much first time but Nat had a little buit of trouble with up and could only manage the knees!! however we are going to Byron bay next week so will try again then!! We got put in a group with an english guy and french girl and 2 german girls in our 4x4 to drive on the island!! Its basically a big sand island!! before we even made it to the ferry we got bogged in the sand and man its flippin hard to get it out again. we got lucky and only got bogged about 3 times in the 3 days we were there!! we visited lake wabby which was basically a crystal clear lake with a huge sand dune flowing into it!! and ofcourse forget thew warnings me and the other english guy straight down the dune into the water!!! a lot of fun, it was super windy on the beach the first night and out tent blew down while we were asleep!! we drove up to indian head which was the most northerly point we could drive and went inland to lake mackenzie which was super white sand and clear lake!! the photos will say the rest!!
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