Why isn't tallness a recognised disability?
After chatting to a Scottish Girl over toast I set off on the 500km journey to Christchurch and mused to myself that I really do like Scottish Girls and one day hope to have one that I could call my own.
Christchurch and I got off on the wrong foot because I got a fricking parking ticket. Its only 15$ which is nothing considering thats probably what id pay to park in a similar place in the UK but still, I didn't even see the bloody meter I was meant to have not paid at. Thats my 3rd parking ticket in all after 2 in the UK, I do hope Beryl doesn't find out.
Secondly, everthing closes early which for a city is sh1te. I may have mentioned before that I like places where things are open late, I like the options it provides and for me to turn up at Starbucks @8.15pm for my hot chocolate and to find it closed is just fricking wrong.
I went for a private room in Base Backpackers and my choice was vindicated when the kiwi experience bus pulled up just after. Christ(church) its even Kiwi Experience night in the bar tomorrow.
There are a couple of nice pubs however and whilst devouring some fish and chips I got chatting to an American chap whilst watching the OZ v Italy match.
He had been away from home for 17 months and just had the worst accent for it, there were no distinguishing features to the accent at all, i had no idea where he was from and when he said the states I was shocked.
He said he is a broadcast dj back home, when I suggested that he may not find work with his new accent he reluctantly agreed. The moral of the story is that Americans shouldn't be allowed to leave their own country, a motion which should pass through any International law making body with ease.
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