ok. I have 3 more days in Mombasa. My bus is scheduled to leave on this friday night. woah. so much to little time! Mama amina is throwing me a going away party on thursday which should be alot of fun...I'm pretty pumped.
so last night i played Muslim. in celebration of prophet Mohammed's b-day our mosque (literally right in front of our house) pulled out the big speakers and threw a party. My beb (grandma) insisted I join her for the celebration, so I veiled myself and hit the mosque (well outside the mosque...women aren't allowed inside) for alot of chanting. It was really really beautiful. It was a full moon, the night was cool, and it was a moment I probably will never's not everyday you get the chance to be muslim.
then today. woah today was crazy. Matatus were on strike today but I somehow managed to get one to Bamburi where I work. I also managed to get stalked by a creeper kenyan who insisted he pay for my fare and then insisted he escort me from the matatu to my work. Thankfully, one of the boys was at the office and quickly came to my rescue...don't worry mom and dad, no harm done. In the guys defense...I'm sure he was totally harmless and just intruiged by the white skin, but these kinds of encounters have outworn their welcome and I won't miss them one bit. Shee (one of the hopemaintainers) and I had a meeting at Ujamaa (an organization we work with) today to discuss their market where we want to sell our crafts. In order to get there we have to take a matatu, unfortunately our luck wasn't as great as mine was earlier in the day. We ended up getting stopped at a matatu roadblock where all the striking matatu conductors and drivers were forcing everyone out of the vehicles. There was a lot of yelling and beating of t again, pretty harmelss. however, it did suck that we had to walk for the next 45 minutes until we could get another matatu to our final destination. In the end it all worked out. the meeting went well and the air conditions in the office felt AMAZING!
Overall, the last 24 hours have been quite eventful.
In other news...I am now down to my last razor soooo. as of sunday mollie and I have decided to stop shaving until the end of our travels...and whoever has the longest hair get a manicure and pedicure on the losers ta. god we are gross...
ok...thats it for now
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