today I successfully got a promotion at the health clinic. I am no longer pharmisist...I am now a nurse!! I have decided it is rediculous the things I am able to do in Kenya. I gave immunizations to pregnant women all morning. I'm talking...fill the syringe...clean the arm....shove the needle in and sqeeze out the medicine. I was legit giving shots...and I gotta say...I got pretty good at it. I'm pumped to continue my promotion in the feild of thing you know...I'm going to be souchering up wounds (just for the record I would never do that...thats just wrong...immunizations is as far as I will go). but needless to say...that started my morning well.
I went to the farm this afternoon to talk with Baba (father as I refer to him as...I'm part of the Bofumaskan family these days) about the organization. it basically turned into us spending the rest of the morning and afternoon sitting under the shade of coconut and papaya trees just talking about life and what Bofu is doing for the community...their successes their struggles etc etc. I was basically in paradise. I could see the ocean...feel the cool breeze...eating papayas straight from the tree. We talked about herbal remedies for a long time too. I'm definitly a beleiver more modern medicine for me when I don't have to. I think we are going to try and come up with a pamphlet that tells what all the local herbs/plants help to cure which will be great.
I'm glad I have kind of come out of my slump. Time is flying now...and I am trying to soak it all up. there are still things that get me really frustrated...but knowing I am over halfway done makes me realize how much I am going to miss here.
I'm going to lamu this hopefully I will be able to fix some of the ridiculous tan lines I have these days...i cool as farmers tans are....I would kind of like a weekend on the beach. we are taking the bus which will be interesting because we hear it is rather bumpy. we are going through bandit we have armed gaurds on the bus with us which is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. needless to say....I'm pumped for a weekend away with a couple good friends.
anywho...of to do some's going to be a miracle if all my research papers are finished by the end of the semester...cross your fingers for me. haha
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