so I realize the last posting was a little more on the negative side. I don't regret writing it...I think that there are definitly alot of things about Kenya that I do hate...and won't miss in the least...but I don't hate kenya...and I don't hate this experience. I would be lying if I said that this has been an easy couple months. it hasn't. but that is what I came for. I am totally out of my element and uncomfortable everyday. and although it is frustrating at times. it is also exhilirating, because at the end of this semester...I can say I did it.
I came here trying to find myself and figure out what (or what not) I want to do with my life. it's still not figured out...but I think I have ruled out living in Africa for any extended period of time ever again. It's a wonderful place. with some really wonderful people. it's just a hard lifestyle. being a minority is not fun. so for all of those worried about me...don't be. life is fine. I'm learning more each day...and can't wait to come back to the states and tell everyone about it!
Ok...onto bigger and better things. I went out into the field today to start my documentation for the "destigmatization book" as it is being referred to as of right now. We went out into this super rural part of the coast to visit an HIV positive woman and her beautiful baby, mzuri. Fatuma found out she was HIV positive when she was 7 months pregnant with Mzuri. With the proper treatment from Likoni Health Center and volunteers from SOAN mzuri was born HIV negative. The baby was beautiful and so well behaved. she sat on my lap as I did the interview and was very quiet...just playing with my pen. Fatuma has been successfully taking ARVs and hasnt' had any side effects which is wonderful. their family is a success story. We are so lucky she is willing to put herself out in public in order to help destigmatize about HIV/AIDS. Both Fatuma and her husband are unemployed so I went and bought them some rice, flour, and sugar so they would have something to eat with their ARVs. Basically, if it isn't taken with food...the medicine is like poison. It's a major problem so the four dollars I spent on food for them was well worth it.
anywho....I miss you all dearly. thank you for the notes of encouragement. they always mean so much to me.
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