After checking out of the hostel we caught the tram to the station and boarded the bus for Canberra. We arrived a little bit late but David was there to meet us and we went to the Wig & Pen - a fab pub with it's own Micro Brewery - for a few drinks. Narelle came down when she finished work and joined us. It was really fab to see them both - it'd been 18 months since we last saw them. We went back to their place and had a great veggie chilli and a few more beers and some wine before heading to bed (very weird being with people who have to go to work the next day!)
We woke up after David & Narelle had left for work and had a very relaxed morning, did some washing etc. In the afternoon we headed out to the Post Office to pick up my contact lenses and then got the bus into town to meet up with the workers. After a few beers at the Wig and Pen we went for a meal at the Banana Leaf - a Sri Lankan restaurant - it was lovely. We got a taxi home and then had a few more drinkies before bed.
Saturday was great - it was nice to have some idea what day it was - we had a big breakfast after a lie in and then went to the Australian Institute of Sport for a tour. It was good fun and the facilities are fab - this is where they train for the Olympics etc. We went back via the supermarket and had a curry for tea and settled in for an evening of Buzz on the Playstation.
The following day we all had another lie in and then packed a picnic and headed out to Namadgi National Park. We had our picnic and went for a walk to Booroomba Rocks which was quite a trek but well worth it for the view. We went home afterwards and had a Roast Beef Dinner - perfect Sunday!
We spent the day on Monday not doing much at all, we chilled out and read. Tea was a Thai Beef Salad (with the leftover beef as we did buy half a cow!) - perfect Monday!!
The next day we thought we should do something so headed into town and had a walk around the shops. We picked up some lunch and went to Lake Burley Griffin. We had our lunch and walked around to the Cook Jet before heading up ANZAC parade to the War Memorial. The Memorial its beautiful and respectful without being somber and combined with the museums made for a very pleasant afternoon. Back home then to cook up some pasta for tea.
Wednesday saw us actually up and out quite early as David had taken the day off. We went to the Black Mountains and had a lovely walk around the base of the Telstra tower - great views - we headed to the tower and then back round to the car. We took our picnic to the Botanical gardens and found a nice spot for lunch...or so we thought...there we were enjoying our lunch not realising we were being stalked by a Magpie! He snook up on us and swiped David's sandwich straight out of his hand! We couldn't believe it! We finished our lunch with one person staying on Magpie watch and then walked around the rest of the gardens. The afternoon was spent a Questacon - the National Science and Technology Centre - it's really aimed at kids but we had a great time. We went home after that to have Shephers Pie and regale stories of the sandwich stealing Magpie!
On Thursday we decided it was time to plan where we were going next so the day was spent researching and booking flights etc. We headed into town late afternoon and booked our coach passes before meeting David for a swift half then home for a take-away.
As our time was running out in Canberra we decided to do some more touristy stuff on Friday. We got the bus to the New Parliment bulidings and then visited Old Parliment - both were great and very interesting. We then met the workers for a quick drink and picked up some pizza for tea.
Another great weekend - We went to Cockington Green on the Saturday which is a Model Village mostly based on the UK - very cute. That night we were treated to a fantastic meal at Sabayon followed by cocktails at the Muddle bar. Brilliant night. We weren't too lively on the Sunday but made it out for Brunch in Kingston and went to the craft market afterwards before going for a walk where we saw so many Kangeroos in the wild - amazing. Spag Bol for tea and packing before one final game of buzz - David won again!
Our flight to Brisbane is early the next day and Narelle dropped us off at the airport. We've had a great time, David and Narelle really looked after us and it was brilliant to see them but the intrepid travellers must continue on their journey!
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