Hey where is the blog? I need my travel fix. You know I am living my life through you guys! Stop having so much fun right now! Ha ha - just kidding - hope you haven't been eaten by a crocodile? Just a thought N x
Si & Su
hi you two.
your having way too much fun you know !
mark dont forget to ask the aussie's if they have learnt to play rugby yet !!!
see you soon
drink loads and enjoy
Hey there
Forgive me if I make any typos; it's a bit awkward having paws. Yeah, so, really cool to have my photo up for everyone to see, but I'm not so sure about the 'big gay' thing. You know I'm a bonsai lion, so I am certainly not big, and I don't think I am gay. I dream about lady lions all the time, and I almost kissed one once. So there.
Oh yeah, please say hi to Monkey and Roo. I enjoyed playing with them.
I love the last photo of you two! You both look so happy (not to be mistaken with drunk!). x
I was beginning to think you guys had fallen into a glacier! Great to see your photos? But where is the blog? Mind you I think we can guess what you have been doing! Vineyard (sample purchases) sight seeing, vineyard....
Looks beautiful (of course) and you look as though you are having a ball. Very jealous x Think of me on thursday last one for 3 months...
N x
Simon & Sue
some fantastic views eh ? we are not envious at all !!!!!!
make sure you sample all the local brews on my behalf eh ?
not that you two need prompting hahaha
soon be time to come home !!
si & su
Jo And Dave
hi there just worked out how to post a message, now got a mental bloick on what to write.
sounds like you are having a great time , enjoy reading and seeing the photo's, can't wait til we take off again. jo and dave
Hi guys (all 5 of you)!
It looks and sounds like you're having an amazing time - as if you weren't going too! I hope that the transformation from hardworking professionals to chilled out travellers hasn't been too tough? It's it amazing how quickly you get used to not thinking about work and seeing amazing sites everyday?
Hope Jacky's behaving as well as monkey and roo?
Miss you lots, Kimmy x
Narelle & David
Great to hear you are having a fab time. Very jealous of your wine tasting exploits in Napier - if you don't get through all of your wine before leaving NZ, feel free to bring some over to Oz, we'll be glad to help you get through it!
Keep having a great time!
Nicky, Steve And Oscar
Hi, Looks like a fab trip and makes us want to escape from the snow (yes in April!!) Have a fab time. Whats with the Monkey and Roo? x
Hi guys,
Sure looks like your having fun! Had my 2nd treatment today so your pictures were a great tonic! Say a big hello to Toni Graeme from me (& take loads of piccies). Enjoy x
Hi Guys, I'm not too jealous of your travels, honestly!!.......I bet you wish you were back in Andover, they've opened the new Asda and everything!!!!
Anyway, your photos look great, have an asolutely fab time as I'm sure you will. Take care