Colin and Patrick are big baseball kids. However, this summer, due to travel plans, they will not be playing on their respective tournament teams. Reagan is pretty happy about this - she won't be driving them to practice every night, and our family won't be spending all weekend/every weekend at various baseball tournaments.
But that doesn't mean the boys don't miss their baseball. So our second full day in Granada, our new friend Marvin told us the Granada Tiburones (Sharks) are playing a home game against the Managua Boers (no clue in the world what the heck a Boer is). Although these professional teams are playing the same game we are used to watching during US MLB games, the experience is amazingly different. The crowd never quiets down - constant yelling, cheering, whistling and clapping. And, there is a band that plays almost non stop.
We had a blast. The Granada Tuburones - not so much... They got beat 9-2 by the Boers. There was a double header planned, but we only stayed for one game. On the way out, we realized that Marvin knew the starting pitcher for the Tiburones. So even though it wasn't his best game, he was nice enough to pose for (and smile for!) a picture with the boys.
We will certainly follow the progress of the Granada Tiburones over the coming weeks...
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