Only a couple of hours south and we came to Surfers Paradise. Looking out of the window I was met with a cloudless blue sky and loads of skyscrapers! We checked in and had a wander around, amazed at all these massive buildings. It was like being in Miami or somewhere, but we soon realised it was more like a very hot built up Blackpool, with its wax museum, haunted house, strip clubs, arcades and fish and chip shops. We found it very similar to a dodgy English seaside town, with the people who lived there and the things that went on. It's a shame because it could actually be a really nice place with its nice beach and little water ways and canals running inbetween the houses joining them all to the sea. That night it was a bank holiday Sunday so decided to go out. While walking around I saw an advert saying we could go up the Q1 which was one of the tallest buildings there, so just as it was going dark we went up 77 floors to the top. The views were amazing. We got the best of both views, the sunset over the city and all the lights at night there was also a full moon which came up over the sea.
We ended up being posh for a couple of hours and having a bottle of wine and some nibbles. After we got down we hit the town, a night out isn't the same as back home. I don't no whether they mean to be but some Aussie's can came across as quite rude. So it wasn't the best night out ever and cost us a lot of dollar! The next day was a beach day and chilled to the max, and that night we made an awesome meal of bangers, garlic spring onion mash, garlic mushrooms and onion gravy it was the best! We had been on the internet in Brisbane and booked some half price tickets to wet n wild water park. So on the Tuesday we went there for the day, luckily we got the ticket half price because a few of the big slides were closed for maintenance. There were still some good ones like 'The Tornado', where you get in a four man dingy and drop into a big dish thing and 'The Wedgie', where you get shut in this pod with a trap door on the bottom, then there is a count of three and the door opens dropping you 20ft into a loop the loop. Mel didn't dare do that one!! That night was another chilled one then it was off to Byron Bay which we have heard is amazing.
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