It absolutely poured with rain as we made our way to pick up the car. Fortunately it was only one subway line and a short walk the the Renault dealership. Cute little car... the Clio II... it has plenty of room for all our stuff and Shane's head doesn't hit the roof. Yeah!!
It took a little getting used to our car and the GPS... hereinafter referred to as PG... PG kept trying to take us on toll roads (until we figured out how to avoid that). Then she took us off road trying to get us to where we wanted by the shortest route. The farmer wouldn't have appreciated our tracks I'm sure.
Back on the road and in full control of our senses we found ourselves surrounded by absolutely beautiful countryside. Small villages, narrow streets, wonderful smelling bakeries... daily life at it's best. Some of the homes still have thatch roofs.
When the heaven's opened up again we were in a town called Vilage of des Adelys. I could have sworn it was Falkland BC with all that nasty rain. Could hardly see where we were going. I can't complain however because the rain was off and on.... mostly off. It was great weather for driving.
Our destination for the night was Honfleur a town that reminded us a bit of the set for Popeye the movie. A charming fishing village that had the most charming B&B where we spent the night. With very little language in common we got along very well with the hostess. The house was wood and plaster in the style of the area. Very old and beautifully updated (Don & Marge... you would have loved it!).
The next day we left for the D-Day beaches. Now this wasn't originally on our plan but I'm glad we went. The Canadian memorial museum is very well done. Just travelling in this area you can't help but be touched by the lives that were lost. In the Canadian Museum there was a temporary display on the Italian Campain. Shane's Dad was in Italy during the war. It was an interesting coincidence. Lots of information we didn't know about the conflict there. The American cemetary is awe inspiring. Just seeing all the crosses row was amazing. As we were leaving a group of University Students (French) were arriving. Each of them had a flower in hand and a name to find in the cemetary. I had wondered who had placed the few flowers we had seen on the graves. It seems they are history students paying respects to those who had died for their freedom. It was very touching.
The rest of the day was a little more laid back. We sipped wine on the beach (in the sun) and watched wind sailers skimming along the wide sand bars. What a way to kick back after getting used to the roads and all the tourist hype.
The next day, today, we left Bayeau early and headed west towards the Mont de St Michel, St. Malo and ended up along the coastline at a B&B. Reflecting on the day I have to say thanks to Bob & Ann for speaking so highly of Mont de St Michel. It is a most amazing island with a stunning Abbey sticking straight up to the heavens. Great little place to wanader around (and climb up and down a lot).
St Malo was an interesting fortress city which we figured was good for lunch and then head west. So here we are. The rain is still coming down but it is Good Friday.
Tomorrow we head west again... think we'll follow the coastline and see where where end up. Hopefully we get a place to stay over Easter weekend. We may have problems with food but we'll see.
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