So Port Macquarie could have been better. It would have been great if it didnt rain for 2 and a half days out of the 4 we were here!!
The first day we woke to brilliant sunny skies, which was different than the during the night were it rained the whole time. So got stuck into the washing, 6 loads to be exact. Cost $24 all up, $4 per load. Think this is going to be one of our biggest expenses and might have to learn to hand wash some stuff daily rather than let it build up. Anyhow, so the sun was shining and the girls rode their bikes around and had a ball. Boo helped me with the chores of all that washing which was nice. Then l finally got organised and started Boo's distance education, had been putting it off. She was so excited as she had been waiting to start since we'd left for the trip. So 2.5 hours later we had finished the first days outlined work!!! Thought was going to be a bit quicker than that but think as we get organised will get it sorted out.
Once the schooling was done we had some lunch and had a walk along the pathway of the bay up to the beach. Meg was so funny!!! She screamed when the small waves of water was coming near her (2 metres away from her), so Martin carried her most the way!!!
Started raining mid afternoon, around 1:30pm so we headed back into the caravan and watched a few movies. Well the rain didnt stop for the next 24 hours!!! Overnight it was funny as when l would roll over l would lift my hand up on the way over and it would hit the roof, next minute you would wake up due to drops of water falling onto your face!!
Woke up next morning to dark skies and rain. Had decided that would try and keep in a good mood, but that faded. After being couped up in the caravan all day l had intense cabin fever. Was moody and down, missing friends terribly and Harvey!!! Was thinking how on earth can we do this for 12 months. Girls were driving Marty and l bonkers, not being able to amuse themselves, so what to do??? We just let them go out in there gumboots and ride there bikes in the rain. Marty had to head out to Bunnings to get some supplies to help with the water. He woke up with a wet bed up his head end due to all the rain getting the canvas so wet. He arrived back with some windsceen sun protectors (the silver ones) and cut them in half and put them up against the canvas between the bed, therefore protecting it from the wet.
I had had enough of the wet and mud. This is the worst camp site l could have imagined!!! Sick of feet never feeling clean or dry, see my runners had gotten wet, so thongs it was. Anyhow, the water just kept on seeping up through our meshed flooring, and with that came mud. Had to use a towel to put in entrance of doorway to wipe feet all the time. Even walking through the caravan park site, the water was everywhere. The entrance to the womens toilets was constantly flooded, but the males was dry!!!! Typical hey!
Third day here, woke up to blue skies and mood instantly brighter. Told the girls that after breakie, telly is off and we are all going outside until it rained. Well, apart from the smallest, lightist drizzle, we were outside all day. Strolled down to the beach, took some great pics of the girls and scenery. Boo and l had a play down the beach, running back from the waves chasing us while Marty and Meg played at the park nearby. At the park we all had a play together and there was this awesome huge sea-saw swing where you stood on one end while at the other end someone hung on bars. Hard to explain, but when l had a go totally crapped my pants, thought was gonna fall off a few times, didnt help with Martin pushing it around so fast attempting to make me fall off!!! After that we headed back and did some washing while the girls rode there bikes. Marty and l decided to pack up some of the caravan and flooring while it wasnt raining. Had to wash a few things down before packing them away due to all the mud on them. Had lunch, did few hours of Boo's schooling then Marty and the girls tried some fishing with no luck. All in all, if todays weather was for all our stay we would have had a fabulous time. Glad today happened so that we didnt leave on a bad view.
Overall, caravan park ok, would be great in warmer weather as beach only few minutes walk away with fantastic park and skate ramp for the kids. Also across the path from caravan park is a bay which alot of people fish off. Worst thing about park is that the cleaners turn up to clean the amenities at 7:30-8:00am, which is when you want to shower or use the toilet. Would think they would clean them after majority of people had used them. Also quite funny, feel like were in grandparents land, or grey nomads, as Marty call them. Caravan city with old folk here, perhaps because school has gone back. One thing have noticed, the girls need some kids to play with at next stop, might also help to drive Marty and l a little less crazy!!!
Off to Byron Bay for 7 nights tomorrow, hopefully weather a bit better up there. Even if not, Marty and l have decided will be checking the caravan site out before pegging everything down. Wont be putting up with mud like this again if it can be avoided!!! Forecast outlook occassional showers with temps of 17-20oC, so hopefully will get some beach time in with the girls!!
- comments
Amalie I'm sure the weather will only get better- sounds like you're doing a great job and having a great time